[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

Vote Count

Voted Votee Votes
FrostWolf103 ModeShifter, Alice, Feathering 3/9
Katze Arete 1/9
an_gorta_pratai Amelia 1/9
CRichard564 Blizer 1/9
Marshal TheBlueElixir 1/9
Blizer CRichard 1/9
TheBlueElixir ATNoName, Marshal, Jane 3/9
Arete Frostwolf 1/9
Not Voting an_gorta_pratai, Italy, Ami 3
I might not be here for the rest of the day :frowning:

/vote Ami


ami self resolves


anyway, whoever gets yeeted today should say who they want to be kang tomorrow

22 hours nearly


You know Katze know to fake claim right?
You also know Featherings Healed Alice right?

I disregard the meta.
It’s not confirmed.

I feel like we should let the host decide who gets yeeted.

tbf the NK disregarded meta too

well probably, anyway

everyone self vote

What a gamer move.

Take out Alice and ATNo and that’s where I’m at.
Never lynch them we are all Town hiding information from scum because FUCK scum!

Don’t tell me the odds

I assure you they aren’t prince.

You said the buzzword, Seth!

1 Like

And as I have mentioned, even if they are not Prince, I stand in my beliefs.

well I don’t have the info either



There actually has been some resistance. Why do you think the vote shifted to Frost? Why are we looking for another lynch target? There is resistance

Ok, you could probably fix your tone if you are actually town by not worrying about the accusation and act like a damn towny. I think there could be a chance you flip town, but you focusing on some single aspect and getting caught up on it won’t help you.

Then why in the hell am I in your scum list if you know how I play? Am I that hard to read?

Let’s tie the vote for Frost and Arete and let the host decide which person should die

Only a scum would mention it! :wink: