[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

ill try to be here for EoD but from here activity is no longer guanterteed? its not assured


don’t CFD plz, I haven’t updated my logs 4 today anyway

Still I think we’ve a good handle on who the cultists are.
Ami/Blizer and the N1/N2 convert is probably in PoE.

/vote TBE



I have a minute

do you have a question or a reason to vote me

For claim and potential CL

you want my claim?

yes because I am illiterate to a degree.


everyone will probably claim tomorrow anyway

and im not self resolving


I have already thought of 3 fakeclaims to give you

but NK is dead so I cant say ‘Mind Flayer’ as an excuse to give subtle lies

let me guess, Prince, CL, and Knight



I have been softing Prince though, thanks for noticing

but if I am to be a wagon im not Prince


I kinda made it obvious earlier because I didn’t want to distract protectives, just kills

so you are hunter?


I soft prince a lot

mostly because Id rather those with better reads to survive

nobody will believe me when im actually prince

I don’t see why I should keep beating around the bush but I kinda think its funny

keep guessing

its fun

gonna update my logs now too btw


I mean TBE did tell me not to shoot him when I was threatening to do so D2.


I cant be here for EoD and don’t really wanna bet on villagers

well, had to get done one time or another


I actually wrote it all out and have now decided that no, I will not claim. Goodbye, now please be self aware enough to realize that voting ‘just so there is a CW’ isn’t a good reason to vote someone, and is unlikely to get any +EV results, if results at all.
