[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

Alright the night plan is that Blizer is jail executed by the Prince. Ami dies to night kill tonight and if TBE flips cult, then this is game set and match.

TBE wherever you are, log in please so no one can say you died without trying to defend yourself should you flip BD.

Iā€™m not going to stay awake so I can change my vote at the last second. Sleep is important just so you know.

/vote Ami


You know Prince has nothing to lose outing themselves right about now.
TBE better not be the Prince here.

@Napoleon, @Geyde and @DatBird /unvote in case TBE is Prince.
@TheBlueElixir can you please log on right now?
Or are you sleeping?

I donā€™t want to held guilty of voting execute on the Prince because they canā€™t be bothered to get their lazy butts off to log into this game.

I wouldnā€™t worry about TBE being prince, I hacked his account and he was not

Quite a few wagons today. Though I donā€™t like TBEā€™s radio silence.

If TBE is town, his radio silence isnā€™t helping one bit.

Not to mention leaving his vote on my wagon


He will not be back, but I doubt he did this with ill intentions

Still Iā€™ll park my vote somewhere /accuse Ami .

welp my vote is staying on TBE. I feel like Frost is BD, gorta is impossible to read, I would vote Arete, but she had given enough info.

You sure TBE isnā€™t the Prince? I really hope not because I donā€™t like their radio silence.

He did say he was softing prince, but he wasnā€™t prince

Yeah thatā€™s true. Though Iā€™d like him to claim and post his logs if heā€™s going to be a main wagon.

You know what? If he canā€™t be bothered to log in the last few hours before EoD, thatā€™s his problem.

The reason why I think frost is BD is because Mercā€™s attack N1. I feel like her logs is telling the truth rather than her claim on healing (yolobombing according to Alice) Alice. After all, she did write her entire plan in her logs.