[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

give ans his SoD4


Fwiw i was the only player voting a wolf at EoD

Dang @katze im sawry 4 tunnel at least we were both right on the italian read

Italy wasnā€™t on a big enough wagon, so I didnā€™t include him

there are a couple things i regret in this game

one was not claiming a bounty on poss d2

and the other was protecting arete over italy.


we should elect AtNo


heā€™s got RB

what can go wrong

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are you intrested in conceding

id like to hear what the specs have to say

and the hosts

also Cult really needs buffs

every cult should be able to fakeclaim while still providing utility

I think make the cult less reliant on the cult leader somehow

like in a cult game, bounty effectively hard confirms a noble because Aposlteā€™s abilities instead revolve around faking mystic/priest and utility

but noble is none of those

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tbf, if Apostle could bounty like noble

that would actually be busted af.

Aristo could do it

maybe only give it one charge?


Aristo would be broken

also, Unseen has enough power as is tbh.

to continue a claim

and aposlte could claim a bounty on an unbountiable

aristocrat already has it

I am interested in not having Priestess try to guilt trip me for the next six months because ā€˜conceding is gamethrowingā€™

also town canā€™t concede

im now pretending I didnt write that

lets look at invoker

probably one of the better cult

they can fakeclaim, and said fakeclaim can provide utility

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i mean tbh

there is actually nothing we can do here.

Invoker is fine tbh

its arguably one of the stronger cult classes imo

Apostle does need changes though, i dont disagree.

Invoker typically shouldnā€™t be fakeclaiming Drunk/Butler/TK anyway

if I had been converted N2, I would obviously have been locked into such a claim due to having trueclaimed in Allies N1

investigative claims are good for Invoker because they let you sow chaos within the court

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Like your right it involves either claiming as a mystic or priest, and if either one is in the game, your actually turbo fucked,

so you have to claim noble if you wanna actually get away with a safe fake claim.