[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

like if we looked at statistics of who has been killed/exed the most as wolf

italy would be pretty high up there



my really only bad fucking play here was not healing italy`s slot

outside of that, i feel like i played decent tbh.

you played fine :man_shrugging:

Maybe you could have fought harder to get out of PoE, your posts were kind of on the lower side, but you put a good effort in and there wasnā€™t that much you could have done

at least you were actively attempting to further your win condition :upside_down_face:


If MVP were a thing. Amelia would get MVP easily.

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honestly, i kinda want this to end now

Like, there is a 1%chance of us winning, but like, i doubt it.

I mean MVP is likeā€¦ sometimes a thing.

Amelia just went pewpewpew on all of the wolves

but overall this was a solid town performance from a good number of people

Also Cult has been cursed to just lose a lot lately
Itā€™s weird

I think we call that: unbalanced

yeah but they lost as the uninformed majority too

Cult has always kinda been weak compared to Unseen tbh.

Also Unseen recently got
A huge buff

but seriously

MM is investigation and redirection immune

unseen has more than one (1) bleed


and death immune

CL can get entirely pushed around while MM is a powerhouse

is there? 1 lynch into 1 jailexe, while the archer and any offensives also target whos left

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Trust me

i wouldnt be surprised if Geyde has some changes in mind after this game


I did do some investigative work as an Archer.
My NK hunt was successful in finding the Sorcerer.
So I should get MVP too for helping to hunt the NK.

At the very least CL is infinitely replaceable
But Cultā€™s preference for longer games just doesnā€™t work here tbh

MM is p strong

I dont think we just plug all of that into CL though

id be for making the KP less focused on CL IMO