[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

voted voters votes
Arete CRichard564 1/6

Very interesting votecount we have here folks. I can really feel the excitement.

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do not hammer yet

@ATNoName please confirm you have blizer jailed

Offensives should, just in case, be on blizer. Crichard should be taking a shot at blizer. I will put ocnversion protection on someone, and amelia should cleanse and TF someone as well, or smite,

Was AtNoName day occupied by chance?

Only that explains why Blizer wasnā€™t jail executed last night.

He was day occupied yesterday (which is why blizer didnā€™t die)

Invoker can only day occupy once

As I suspected. Though Prince class card states they are day occupy immune after that happens once.

/vote Blizer

Though with only one invoker, they have no more day occupy abilities left.

I think this is scum

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oh thats true

arete is trying to be a gamer I see

Well thatā€™s isnā€™t something we didnā€™t know already.

not going to lie lolcatting is less fun than I was expecting

itā€™s less fun to lolcat when you know you have nearly no chance at winning D:

I feel bad 4 u arete

I could pul a pro eevee move and side with yā€™all if you want for today

I mean

the way to side with us wouldā€™ve been to vote ATno for King :upside_down_face:





I garuntee it

if I am town

i will chug hot sauce and post it to the cookie thread post game

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had to get my protoge as king

how did you manage to force yourself to post that

I feel dirty just copypasting it

I lost all self-respect years ago