[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

It’s okay I’ve gotten pocketed at least three times

Anstreim, katze, uhhh idk who else

Marshal too

3 left. (Or more, I feel like I’ve forgotten one.)

Anstreim pocketed the court

Deepwolf 100

Just maybe we can get him to play again

are you counting sfol61.5 or vanilla nightless


I don’t think I was pocketed by you in 61.5

I was completely pocketed in Van

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I should’ve pushed harder on this, lmao.

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uhh… you are forced to be in allies?

Yeah, that’s one of them. Do you know why I don’t like Allies?

Makes you play the game more?

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Like nights should be breaks from the game

Yeah, basically.


tbf I didn’t have an allies chat as Corrupted King

yeah that’s what I was going to say

I knew it because I was in a game with nighttalk once and everyone hated it

marl specifically said that’s why he didn’t like it and so that was my guess

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d1 - apostle, crusader, sorcerer push me

maybe I should just OMGUS

gamer plan

im actually yet to get mislynched though so thats nice

so this ended

Amelia hard carry