[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

Cheese if you happen to be starting town, I’m not pushing you out of bad faith. I’m trying to solve everyone’s slot here including yours.

… A spew means that you’re obv villager in some way

U in tos2, for instance

I really dont see where this “common acknoledgement” is or came from

All i see is a scummy player pushing a narrative

Goes for you too

At least that’s something we both agree on. Yet your reaction to me pushing seems a little annoyed to say the least.

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Sorry if i come across that way

I am in fact annoyed, by a stupid physics problem

i am also tired as fuck so that might be why

next on my list is Feathering

a lot of their content is basically NAI discussion of claims and things

the most AI things in their Iso in my opinion is an extended string of posts starting here, where they argue with TBE about posting a readlist if their reads are mostly null

and this post where they actually give reads

I’m having a slightly hard time reading this slot because my brain keeps parsing them as ‘total newbie’ when they said they have FM experience

the reads overall are kind of level-1-ish but the thought process on TBE seems fairly decent – like, they noticed a particular thing he did and pushed him on it, and then when he didn’t respond in a way they liked they wound up putting him as a scumlean

also kind of feel like there are easier pushes for someone at the experience level I’m perceiving them as being (but I would need to double-check the bit where TBE was getting pushed for the null list to see if they were an early pusher or a mid-to-late pusher on TBE’s readlist full of nulls to be certain of that)

some of the stuff that happened with the discussion of nullreads is kind of weird (like the thing where they … didn’t want to reveal their reads because they were worried about having too many nulls? or something) but I don’t think it’s weird in a scum-AI way

overall this is a slight townlean

Perhaps reading through the thread will answer your question.

So you town lean me when I’m not pushing your slot and now you’re scum reading me for pushing you? Ok then.


Don’t get me wrong cheese. I really hope you’re town here, though I have to say your reaction isn’t the most helpful right now.


thinking that cloned isn’t the sort of player to push a consensus villager (like CRich is at the moment) as a wolf, from what I’ve seen of him he generally tries to go more under-the-radar rather than doing things like that + pushes on consensus villagers usually don’t come from wolves as it’s generally a lot harder to get them mislynched (this being the general reason why wolves push on people)

At this point, I’m inclined to think cheese is village here who is annoyed at me pushing on him.
I don’t think his reaction is fake. In fairness I don’t blame him for it, yet it isn’t helping solve the game.

… Wait what

Im getting pushed

Who what when why how

Are we still talking about “cheese’s intro was wack”

Well guess what pushing me with your reasoning seems like
Trying to get a mislynch

W hat

Did i actually miss something big
From my reads CRich felt like light towny at the start, then a little nullscum after weirdness on me


Alright fuck this

Im going to sleep
And first thing tomorrow ima ISO you
See what the fuck i missed to get town to “spew” you

Cheese do you not think the most likely scenario is that I’m a villager who is trying to solve the game?
I’m trying to be patient with you, yet this isn’t helping.

Im actually not sure what about my attidue is unhelpful lmao

I dont
I generally dont think this for most

Don’t skimp on sleep. You’ll need it.

Please do so. I wouldn’t mind seeing your opinion on my slot.

The answer is in the thread.

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Goodnight everyone

Please refrain from quicklynches while i am gone

You’re doing OMGUS in reaction to myself pushing on you. Yet I don’t think you’re a wolf reacting badly, as you don’t seem prepared for this.

There is literally no D1 lynch.

Have a good night.
There is no D1 lynch this game.