[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

do you think cloned is wrong or pushing agenda?

if CRich kept doing the things in cloned’s ISO thingy would you SR CRich?

how did the cloned/merc/CRich thing change your reads?

I don’t really know which one it is. Leaning he’s just wrong.

And that was like 1 thing I kinda disliked in 130 posts

if he did it more he’d drop but honestly I liked his behavior in the link and I’ve liked his posting

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Looking at CRichard’s ISO though, wasn’t he pressuring on ClonedCheese’s slot and he’s townleaning on that slot, yet


It’s also including Alice, Jane, you, ModeShifter

And I am looking from the first ten posts reading method and follow the trail and see how deep this goes.


First opening on Day 2 he ask who got jailed and despite Crichard is reading ClonedCheese as townlean, his readlist is shown above scumlean/in Null as well feel intidimated that Crichard is putting ClonedCheese is playing a bigger role thus voting Crichard due to interaction’s flaws are not addressed and his tenth post revealing ClonedCheese’s reasoning https://forum.imperium42.com/t/fol-forum-of-lies-28-day-2-mooncakes-tour-18-18/82131/992?u=frostwolf103

oh and my logs last night, removing night actions(ive been writing this for a bit, asking questions between writing it)

Currently tinfoiling NK/scum noot CRich. never gscum.
Alice is a bit scummy. don’t let it fly.
Merc also scummy. Don’t like their conclusions or their questions, and their repeated insistence about people TMIing merc town.
Mode/Amelia always town.
Marshal has a point on Arete. I do think its V/V, but Arete more likely starting scoom then Marshal.

I didnt post it earlier because I didnt need to get hammered by thread for the Alice thing in the first 5 minutes or not having enough explanations in those tiny logs

gonna do a bit more elaboration now

Cloned’s ‘case’ on CRich wasn’t really enough to still make it more then a tinfoil. But Its still there. maybe its gut, but something feels a little too perfect with that slot. The tone, as ive mentioned, in great, but it feels almost too easy

Alice I want to say, ‘oh they did the Merc RT, probably town’ but literally last FoL she claimed Prince as assassin and got away because of it. The scummy things ive noticed are more-or-less just a lack of towny pings, and a lot of what they’ve said(like the Prince stuff) is easy towncred without really doing anything. So…its a lack of towniness over a lot of scumminess if you get the jist. Not rooting for a lynch there yet, but something like mech confirmation or time should help the slot.

Merc is now a claimed non-town. I wont bother reading that slot further.

Marshal/Arete I still dont want to lynch either. This isn’t a new thought, but I re-read Marshal’s ‘case’ on Arete and I started to actually understand what any of it means. I still do think Arete is town separately though so…just gonna see how they progress from here.

I almost managed to send it without explaining the Mode/Amelia thing whoops

Mode being a TR shouldn’t be a surprise. Ive miscleared this slot before for d1 so I need to see more but their d1 looks like an actual attempt to solve.

Amelia is similar. They put effort into solving more then usual and yeah im kinda clearing them on effort and gut.



Opening post of D2 starts with his reaction of no deaths, not to mention his own death, tenth post shows that he maintain townread on Mercenary on how he handled Blizer and BlueElixer

why not

every time

Sorry :roll_eyes:

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I have a hat with TheBlueElixer on it

Nothing in their ISO really comes off as towny to me.

Plus I am legally obligated to tunnel her by the end of today.

So this is what I understand from here making the bounty on Merc useless?

bounty will give a second lynch if we lynch BD

Merc isn’t BD

so it would take the day to lynch em

also Alice said the bounty was fake anyway

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Reactiontest on Mercenary? Seems like Alice doesn’t like been pocketed.

tbf that is what got Mercenary to claim Crusader

but Katze has claimed that there is a bounty on Blizer

so if we lynch Blizer and they flip town, we get a second lynch

The thing with what you quoted was me expanding the reasoning of it, not multiple reasons. And for Elixir I was saying he was adding Nulls to make him seem Towny and actually doing things.

That’s trading one BD for another non-killing neutral siding with BD?

Mercenary is confirmed scum when Blizer flips anything but BD or other Non-killing Neutral which eliminates one BD slot as well.