[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)


I literally Just fucking Iso`d him

your cherrpicking his read on you to discredit his entire fucking readlist, and how he has clearly done more than you have at all this game.

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Whatever, we can continue this postgame.

Right now youā€™re just wasting both of our posts with an unnecessary argument.

you wasted our time by even posting that ā€œreaction testā€ so :kissing_heart:

Iā€™m not trying to fool anyone. I said two times I find Blizer townie. I also said almost three my read on Blue is real.
Iā€™m being openfaced because I have no hope of survival.
I gave up.

Its 5 hours into D2 and Iā€™ve already mentioned I donā€™t have the time to commit this game. I feel like youā€™re picking a name out of a hat and pushing it right now to create better wagonsā€¦and thatā€™s not a great look at all.

You used FoL21 as a justification for your scum read? Get real.

Everyone else was already pushing Blizer.
Think they would hear a neutral openclaim saying ā€œah I think heā€™s townieā€ without explaining bs?

Possessed feels mildly caught-for-the-wrong-reasons

is anyone else getting those vibes or is my brain just being dumb

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Blizer has been pretty meh for me as heā€™s been fairly indirect this match, so Iā€™d go with the bounty.

Iā€™m just hopping on the most opportunistic wagon.

the Bounty is now outed as an RT


Heā€™s done nothing but attempted to make a shoddy towncore. Thatā€™s entirely more detrimental than me, who hasnā€™t had the time to commit to doing in depth reads.

Youā€™re not the only one.

Would like more in-depth explanation.

Alice, what is your logic that I would try to mislynch a village if I already said that I want to lynch a BD?

ā€¦Yeah, we havenā€™t even flipped Merc and sheā€™s claiming a 3p, not groupscum.

I donā€™t want to mislynch. I want to lynch. Iā€™m not a towncore leader to take my top TR and saying ā€œhere everyone lynch this personā€.

Heā€™s accusing me of shading CRich which is not at all what it was. Iā€™ve made it clear what triggered me in CRich.

You wouldnā€™t be so blatant about it. Youā€™d probably case a villager or something like that.

reminder for you nerds to plz chill

watch hentai or something instead of getting heated.

I didnt pick a name out of fucking hat Poss

Im pushing you cause your behaiour is fucking garbage, and your trying to discredit CRich (And me Now) with blatant shade.

Im using FoL 21 because your tone and behavior so far feels incredibly similar to your behavior now, Shading and discrediting people who even have the slightest fucking scumread on you.