[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

Sure, so I’m ignoring you for now and letting the Prince deal with you.

thank you.

I would, but I’d have infinitely more trouble finding him. I’m a counter-reader; I can sense agenda easier on me than on others, namely because I know my alignment and I don’t know others.

Okay, but this just sounds like it can easily be advanced OMGUS.


Its not the content of the observation that was pinging me

it was your shift in tone and behaviour.

It is why im using FoL 21 as part of my read on you, because you were scum that game, and your behaviour and tone is similar to it, which is defensive, shadethrowing and trying to discredit other people`s reads on you

No, because I can tell a town push on me from a scum one. Blizer isn’t the first person to push me; ATN did and I saw it as an ignorant townie. You also did Katze but you seemed to hesitate, so you didn’t have agenda on it. Agenda is balls-to-the-wall, “Im hanging this guy fuck everyone else!” stuff.

  1. Marswole (Marshal)
  2. Emilia I Think (Amelia)
  3. ANerd(Arete)
  4. TheOrangeElixir (TheBlueElixir)
  5. Rich of the Cs(CRichard564)
  6. Dogze (Katze)
  7. ATYesName (ATNoName)
  8. BlazerJacket (Blizer)
  9. an_gorta_porta (an gotta pratai)
  10. Jane 117 (Jane)
  11. Monokuma (Alice)
  12. FlameKat103 (FrostWolf103)
  13. Hired Soldier (Mercenary)
  14. Haunted (Possessed)
  15. Tar and (Feathering)
  16. cheesedclone (clonedcheese)
  17. Drybones (ModeShifter)
  18. bAMbI(Ami)

So yeah, not lynching Arete/CRich/Katze/Cloned/Mode today.

I’m lazy and I’d rather want Marshal to be copped, tbh

Merc is dying tonight.

Amelia and ATNN been fairly UTR lately, so that’d be a good direction to push into.

TBE and Feather… they’re kind of villagery, but that’s it.

Ami’s posts are hit-or-miss to me.

Jane is King.

Gorta’s… don’t think he’s done much during this game.

Frost feels weird, tbfh.

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Shift in behavior from when to when?

Your shift of behaviour as soon as CRich called put you down as a scumlean.

you got incredibly defensive and tried to discredit (Still are btw) not only her read on you, but her entire readlist and her thought process

how’s the VC
@DatBird @Geyde @napoleon

what about Poss/Blizer?

Because it wasn’t a real scum read. The basis has been proven false already. Sorry if I see agenda in pushes and push back. That’s how you find scum.

Taking a wait and see approach to how their argument develops.


better question is what’s the vc


coming soon I guess

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And if I’m right about your push on me Blizer, you picked the wrong ML target then.

Yes, the basis wasnt the best, but its not the fucking basis im pushing on

Im pushing on your behaviour regarding it, and how i see it.

Also, you have not answered this question yet btw

What, me calling it out? Sorry…ill just keep my observations to myself.

This guy CRich gas the nerve to say “Wolves aren’t controlling the thread D1” like he has some sort of TMI on who wolves are/aren’t and you have the nerve to criticize my observation on it? Get real.

also Frost always feels weird to me

(more seriously, does Frost feel weird to you in ways that aren’t explainable by just ‘he is Frost and Frost is weird’)

I don’t have in depth reads.

I can confidently say Arete is my highest TR, and CRich was my highest SR but you took the trophy.