[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

I want to know the answer

I don’t care

you are scum

you are OMGUS

you are ‘pressure’

its 11:30

I have read I push read

it do be quite simple

your ‘pressure’ vote does nothing on locktown

What do you think I’m trying to accomplish

You are by far the most likely convert in my eyes

You’ve done nothing to convince me otherwise

All you’ve done is say I’m a wolf in response, lol

by EoD

ill muster something

only on stuff from today

you convert

I see 2 options

kat is wolf
kat is not sober

kat’s arguments are honestly pretty horrible and kat is being kind of cruel

this is not the town kat I know

I don’t do pre-flip spew reads on unflipped people unless they’re, like, literally redchecked and/or Vulgard

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Is sobriety AI

…I’m still tunneling on Ami meanwhile Katze/Marshal/Arete are going at it.

I still think none of you three are starting wolves.

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sheep me

I have good read

kat/arete TvT

marshal convert

dybu dabu

the 2nd can still include the first

but I see very little chance that you are both sober and a villager rn

You don’t control me.

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feathering playing a whole nother game


I will Serve Ale you tonight unless you swear to not heal me

a mislynch?

nice misrep :upside_down_face:

Actually wait

Marshal you’re a CW right

Just Ice Ward me 4head

…why is everyone TR’ing me?


claims mystic


probably just needs sleep

Eh, if you insist then I’ll just let you die.

why not?