[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

…I guess if Amelia never rescinds it could theoretically be possible that she just hardbussed Blizer??

I am the CULT.

and in that case we have occers on her tonight and she just loses

self vote already arete

an apostle linked somebody last night after you claim apostle, when it has been confirmed there was a convert n2

and you claim to link nobody?

I can’t self-vote until King elections are over

also why would I self-vote when I’m town

Vote yourself for King
Similar enough

that has also been done before

its fun




why you gotta openwolf like that man



on a totally unrelated note, speaking as a very legitimate member of the Blue Dragon who is simply disappointed in the play of the opposing faction

fuck people who don’t play the game just because they randed W


you have a team

you have obligations to that team

I get that my play (as a member of the Blue Dragon, of course) wasn’t the greatest but at least I posted

this is not directed at anyone in particular, mods don’t @ me

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I am actually Templar
Submit to the order of the Unseen

now we need to convert hunt since Blizer is now CL

I redchecked the last cult member

will Ans be more or less disappointed in my shitty townplay if I post a bunch of pictures of my cat :thinking:

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imagine, hypothetically speaking, successfully identifying the Prince, day-occing them, and using the teleport-eradicate strat to guarantee a kill on them

now furthermore imagine hypothetically putting people in the wrong order so that your CL gets redirected off the Prince when he gets debbed into himself, meaning that the Prince doesn’t even die

only a total nerd would do something like that

as an obvious non-nerd I’m clearly innocent


if there was a n2 convert…

wait lemme try to brain

the only convert was n2, Italy must be starting cult

Arete/Italy starting cult

Blizer convert wouldnt be sus n2

so thats not possible

Blizer/Italy starting cult

Arete n2 convert is a world

that would mean Arete(d3) day occing the prince


mindmeld locktown

anyways as a loyal member of the Blue Dragon I should stop making jokes about what I would do if I were to be Cult (which I’m not)

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