[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

Honestly, im just waiting for the game to end at this point.

Im interested to see what the Hosts have to say tbh.

TBH blizer for your italy bus I would have more gone towards the route of a fake redcheck

A fake bounty gave you no outs and so it was clear that you knew it would flip wolf

A fake redcheck has a few routes you could take to where you could play it off as a frame.

You knew there was a 50/50 chance basically of you being redchecked so I wouldn’t have made a play that wouldn’t make sense for w you to do at v italy


Thats something for me to improve on next time i rand wolf.

even if you got flirted S/S

you could openclaim scorned

still probably gets you jailed, but at that point it would be d4 and the prince would probably either be dead or have bigger things to focus on than a scorned

especially because alice just… slipped the prince to main thread

that whole series of dinner food and apostle posts was to distract from her outting the fucking prince and hope wolves wouldn’t notice

anyways rather than argue with people about my play I’m going to post a bunch of miscellaneous balance thoughts

  • 99 percent of Apostle’s utility is maintaining a fakeclaim and otherwise it’s pretty useless. Can we make starting Apostle less useless, thanks. Like.

we have (this is for starting, not converted, Apostle):

  • Royal Blood (mildly useful in some circumstances)
  • Transcendence (for starting Apostle, only useful if a convert dies before the Apostle or the CL)
  • Baleful Hush (actually potentially useful)
  • Corrupt Minds (almost useless, starting Apostle will never want to fake Mystic and its utility is pretty limited)
  • Mithras’s Influence (slightly useful but outs your presence)
  • Mithras’s Puppetry (situationally occasionally useful)


Apostle is only good if it’s converted from a proven BD social

  • BD crusader should ?probably? be convertable (for the record this is a thought I had while I was still town), like, having an unconvertable BD in a neut slot is A Thing
  • Cult being allowed to choose their starting Cultist’s class ?might? fix some of the disparity between Cult and Unseen? not sure
  • Teleport is basically a slightly worse 1-shot strongman and should be treated as such when balancing
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we noticed lol.

why do u think i wasnt jailed

we messed up the kill order though, and i didnt protect Italy

so yeah, that happend.

i’m glad I got to do the claimswap with seth that was fun

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This feels like when i was converted as a knight into invoker in Triple Threat 2

i feel actually fucking useless.

I mean

we all feel useless

we know all of the wolves and are still in this game because uh… ???


I mean Seth was obvious Mystic because of how he interacted with Alice D1.
How I thought Alice was Prince though. That was an oops.

Seth was obvious mystic d2

he did do the canteloupe thing but made it a little too obvious for my tastes

you both made it clear that a CW was in the link n1

We’re electing a new King. Now it’s all a matter of voting up the cult and executing the other tonight.

we messed up our night actions

if we didnt, well

Cult actually could have won this game if I healed Italy instead of Arete

Actually fucking bad of me.

can I be king?

Marshal for king 2020



vote me for king

u bad.


I have RB

gimme kang?