[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

Well thatā€™s isnā€™t something we didnā€™t know already.

not going to lie lolcatting is less fun than I was expecting

itā€™s less fun to lolcat when you know you have nearly no chance at winning D:

I feel bad 4 u arete

I could pul a pro eevee move and side with yā€™all if you want for today

I mean

the way to side with us wouldā€™ve been to vote ATno for King :upside_down_face:





I garuntee it

if I am town

i will chug hot sauce and post it to the cookie thread post game

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had to get my protoge as king

how did you manage to force yourself to post that

I feel dirty just copypasting it

I lost all self-respect years ago

are specs informed

Iā€™m curious how soon Vul identified me as a convert


plink plink plink plink plink

fun fact

I have 253 posts post-N2

this is more posts than any other individual non-town has made over the course of the entire game

now obviously hyperposting bad but

for the record this is mostly shading Italy

Italy was so painfully obvious as evil. Thatā€™s why he got a bullā€™s eye N2 and was shot N3.

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out of curiosity

did you actually do this

I had angleshooty reasons to be pretty sure you were vastly overstating the extent to which youā€™d done this but for obvious reasons I couldnā€™t say them :eyes:

given that Italy subbed in N2 Iā€™m not sure that follows :thinking:

Eh maybe not

I mean I skimmed all of the 3 ones here.

The monty python ones and champs ones were one I had looked at earlier but plopped into the post anyways

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but he wasnā€™t posting then and thatā€™s his wolfmeta

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can we quickhammer Blizer so that the game ends faster

Iā€™m not going to self-vote because that feels like gamethrowing but technically it works out to the same thing if we execute Blizer or execute me