[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN


so you agree there must be some framing role somewhere right

We can guarantee there being a fool but there might be more framing stuff


so I healed chloe last night right

didnt go through

so thatā€™s one scum

so like room is scum for appel to be fake

Hello everyone,
Iā€™ve been extremely busy with shit that I should not be responsible for - sorry about that.
I theoretically should have had enough time to play with my current schedule, but people are stupid I guess.

Letā€™s do some talking!
Responding to pings:

The jailor knows my role - I think Iā€™m going to leave judgement up to them.

Iā€™ve explained this.

Leafia is absolutely mechanically confirmed to be town.
I know that Iā€™m town, but I donā€™t have many ways to confirm it.


Sorry if I come across as a little impatient today - I havenā€™t had any sleep and am quite pissed off.

Iā€™ll try my best to read.

No, you are going to claim out loud.


I would have claimed it for you but kat wanted you yourself to claim it so :eyes:


INB4 Calc claims Sheriff locking Calc and Vul into a thunderdome.

Hope you can make it through the day.

Could you explain your thought process more clearly, regarding the bleeds and me/PK/the third bleeder during EoD?


I havenā€™t got to that part of the thread yet.

Was it just ā€œreasonsā€?

i have a reason which im leaving undisclosed

if you decide not to claim then i canā€™t force you to

but thereā€™s reasons :eyes:

This is technically untrue as we can wagon Calc.
But eh.

not everybody claims under pressure

some people are stubborn

like ATN (in worlds he isnā€™t fool) and Vulgard on D2 :eyes:

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pressure is like violence
if it isnā€™t working, itā€™s because you arenā€™t using enough


There were three bleeds yesterday. Here are the assumptions I made:

  1. If the mafia has a bleeder, they will bleed someone.

This leads me to believe that one of Appelsiini/PsychoKang/the last bleeder is mafia.

  1. People arenā€™t stupid.

Under this assumption, I thought PsychoKang was the mafia bleeder ā€œaccidentallyā€ bleeding the jailor - turns out this assumption was false.

That was the reason why I asked them to bleed me - I thought he was mafia.

ā€¦I kinda forgot why I thought you were mafia - I know I had a reason to. Let me go look at my posts and see what I was thinking.

Would this said reason be a productive one?
I donā€™t think claiming would be beneficialā€¦

Did Vulgard claim sheriff?

Vul claimed paladin.


maybe not

i dont want to fully go into why im asking because in worlds where youā€™re a wolf you can just claim accordingly


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Calculus, I have a red check on you from D2.
I want you to claim, so I hinted at Katze to try and get your claim.