[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

I know, but I have been kind of lost here, but I think I want to vote soul today. Their posts have been strange and I really don’t think they are town /vote soul I have not liked their posts since d1 and I don’t know where else to lynch

@Geyde @Marshal @Blizer

I do want to be up before the EoD, but I can’t make any promises

~8 hours left


Votee Voters Votes
Calculus Vulgard 1/6
Katze PKR 1/6
Soul an_gorta_pratai 1/6
1 Like

We are not going to win this game if we don’t know who to yeet.

Yeah, but I think Soul has decent scum equity here, which is why I voted there

Actually, there’s also one more problem with this; he was allegedly bled yesterday. He dies tonight unless he gets healed by Centuries or delayed by Calculus (if either claim is real). Why not at least try to solve before he dies? What’s stopping him from helping town on his deathbed?

If he’s somehow alive tomorrow, he has to die.

I am going to sleep now, hopefully I can be here before the EoD

@PokemonKidRyan I’d advise you to swap your vote.

We do not execute in Katze/Vulgard today.

Issue with this is

Appel odds of being scum if im town are like pretty low

so like


would require there to be every scum so ehh?

I don’t really see scum in TBE
Italy could be like green checked but aye maybe not green but then how
Soul/Calculus the slots are like the ones I think the least likely town but then it’ smostly bc ii dont have much on them so /shrug

Probably misclears but then whomstved

Misclears where?

could be your checks

katze still a thing :I

Can you evaluate kat for me? If they are scum, then I’m completely pocketed. There aren’t many players left who are actively trying to solve and kat is one of them.
I also think they have been more villagery today than at any time before that.

Funny how I’m saying that after accusing them of being Scorned, but reads can be wrong and I don’t like tunneling. Also, NE already flipped in AT (still don’t see another reasonable possibility).

ISOing 600 posters


a this world seems way too simple

You don’t need to ISO, just… evaluate kat. Doesn’t always require an ISO. I frequently skim while evaluating. No way I’d find the time for a full ISO in some cases.