[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

i don’t understand weebs

this is why weebs are bad

angry katze noises

ayaya weebs in

/vote Centuries

wait no thats illegal (is it a funny joke or real)


for now joke

later, potentially real

I actually really like this post


I feel like at least I need to look into things again but this seems pure intentions

I’ll likely be more activate tommorow (last six hours) but I’ll try to do my best at least I don’t want some bad last minute lynch.


realistically i don’t think vulgard can be any scum other than poss
no sane person would fake mechanical info just to save their scumbuddy from a thunderdome that would damn them in the process, not in the cult where everyone is replaceable

this post gives me a weird vibe to it and i don’t know why

we have mechanical mysteries (was Arete really NK, was Chloe strongmanned, was ATN fool, etc)

and if we solve those we have the mechanical info to make some pretty tight PoEs

if Arete wasn’t actually NK then i think Possessor!Vulgard is a… semi plausible world

i don’t think its likely though

unless TBE and Centuries are both wolves though, Arete was likely NK

Bad vibes from ur bad vibes UwU

pick one

i didnt really think it through; i dont completely understand what happened mechanically


besides me forgetting the first point against me you dont believe in

ive kind of given this game a backseat while ive got other things to do my resolve is wasted and I dont really feel like playing another 62-senario where im probably dying tonight anyway; ill try to have something for EoD but im not doing this

this post has light gamer energy

i forgot that even happened

this must be crazy deja vu for you if you’re town then huh

You die when you are killed

unless u go to flavor town

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Votee Voters Votes
Calculus Vulgard 1/6
Katze PKR 1/6

(fairly certain katze unvoted)

anyways im here


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You might be focusing on mech too much? Scum could’ve fakeclaimed already, there could be things we don’t know.
This is why mechsolving in mech-intensive setups has a tendency to fail.

Who do you think is the meanies then :think:

It feels like barely anyone is really trying to solve the game and we’re going in circles.
Ignoring mech, these are the people I’m positive are town:

katze (If this is scum and genuinely redchecked, they have me pocketed. They’ve put in the most solving effort this phase by far and I think their thought processes have been rather complex.)
gorta (Seriously doubting scum!gorta at this point, but I don’t like the back-seat approach during this phase.)

Everyone else is… not, though I’m strongly leaning town!Italy.

Makes for a big yeet pool. That said, half of that yeet pool has to be village. Which means we have several villagers who aren’t putting in the effort they should.


TBE - Strange how he ignored his mechanical results this entire phase. Also hasn’t been solving much, which stands in contrast to his Dreaming Gods game, where he put a ton of effort in. I don’t see why he would have low WiM as town here. Furthermore, his posts today have had absolutely no direction. It’s like he’s putting on an appearance that he’s solving, but his posts about “low WiM” contradict that. I don’t think he understands what he believes. Or he’s pretending.
Centuries - This goes for Centuries as well. I think he was more invested early on, but that interest has faded. I’d argue he has convert equity, but meta-wise, he’d be doing things as a convert instead of hardly doing anything of note. He’s been mostly towncasing himself today, which is… LHF indicative? Maybe? I feel like a wolf would try harder to seem relevant.
Calculus - Their claim is the easiest claim a wolf could go for in this situation, and they have been unable to do any re-evaluation since their mass-scumreads and light pushing early on. I don’t think they know what they’re doing, or at least they don’t give off that impression. They seem frozen. Away with you.
Soul - Progression all over the place. Posts still mostly scummy. I hate his admission of guilt today. If he’s a villager, he’s literally asking us for a misyeet, which makes me think he’s WIFOM-ing it because I never took him for a thrower. There have been some towny pings, but if he’s indeed a villager, he’s been playing in a really disappointing and underwhelming way, spending more time on himself and calling himself wolfy rather than solving other slots. He has presented some thoughts and opinions, but I don’t think the bar of villageriness has been cleared.
Appel - Some of her posts have been outright weird, though it could be a personality thing. Her incessant tunnelling of PKR is really weird from my perspective, too. I don’t know what she’s doing this day phase. Same with TBE, I don’t see much of a direction, although it’s a step up from “not doing anything at all.” I don’t really agree with most of her reads. Independent thought is a plus, but I just… well. I doubt this slot a lot, even though kat says it should be cleared.
Italy - His play has been consistent with his claim overall, although he hasn’t been super villagery. The maid incompatible check thing could come from a wolf, but I’m not sure what it would accomplish. ML both me and kat? I guess? Not sure if Italy makes this play as wolf, it would be pretty bold. That said, it’s not impossible. My check on him could’ve been tailored, I guess.

I wanna say that wolves would be pushing agenda here, but the only people here who are pushing anything would be… my townreads. So either I’m wrong on literally everyone and my checks were both tailored, or wolves genuinely don’t have a plan. This is a really weird thought.

I’m starting to think that maybe I miscleared Italy despite checking him as green, because nothing really feels right.

If I were to sort them from towniest to scummiest, this is what I end up with.


The differences are fairly minor, though. I struggle to build a world of three (unless they failed conversion both times). I think any of these could be teamed with another two picked at random, at this point.

Might look for interactions to rule out a few potential groups. Not sure how reliable it’s going to be in a setup with conversion, but might as well try.