[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

:joy_cat: will always be watching you, even when you :joy_cat: sleep :joy_cat:, so that nobody is ever deficient on joy

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I donā€™t deny your D2 and D3 was better (I donā€™t think it should have been a clear personally though and I think part of why it happened is because the cases against you were weak, I saw exactly why it happened)

And when you lost all the suspicion on you, your powerwolfing was excellent, just like Virtious II.

I agree with this 100%

The slightest joke can already get you banned OwO
for legal reasons I have to add that this is a joke

idk what you mean

clearly i was the only member of the town :^)

Vulgard played fine IMO and his effort was admirable


Wolves took advantage of the situation and played it excellently.

Vulgard and PKR were excellent power wolves

Appelsiini was an excellent deepwolf


me sitting here secretly happy I never replaced in


It might have been gamer

I didnā€™t have a clue as to what they were claiming because I only know my JoJos

few things

again, sorry for my lowered activity. This was due to having alot of stuff to do, but there were also moments where I had 10min to enter thread and I justā€¦didnt. I kind of expected to get more bash about and probably would have if I lost. I guess? im fine with being meta read with that since I presumably would have more time to play in a future wolf game

with that, i should probably stop hyperposting as town anyway. Will also take another like 3-day or so break and just be a backup because if I got wolf again I wouldnt do well enough

shoutout to my team doe

Vulgard handled court off of executing himself, off of the CFD onto scum and into a random townie, then proceeded to go from everybodyā€™s top scum to top town and he just controlled the game

Appel stayed UTR and still pushed agenda. Nobody gave them a second glance and they made an excellent deepwolf that tricked likeā€¦everyone.

PKR was someone we were able to tell was a LW but town wasnt, possibly saved vul and appel and generally did the Fool thing of causing chaos much better then I couldve hoped for

Centuries was successfully converted

Chloe was really on point with reads even on d2
Arete was probably never getting caught as NK
kat solely lead the town in the chaos known as d3+
I know I had TMI but some other villagers made themselves obvious

Also, as the first New Apostle :tm: I have no quarrels with the class. I dont think it needs Gossip, but it doesnt not need it. Fakebleed and bounty are strong but not too much compared to, say, rit or invoker, and frame and Puppetry are conditional.

this game was wack, but I say that after like every game where town loses.

tis all


I am starting to lose count.

He hard carried, youā€™re not giving him enough credit.

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donā€™t count, count the nice things instead

nobody ever caught him

also, there was a point where I went back to BotF 3 to see ā€˜hey what did people think of my play so I can not do that/do betterā€™

and thats all


besides ā€˜postā€™

can anyone tell me what I should do better

I think you played this game really well

you seemed a little passive in main thread, my biggest advice would be to not be afraid to get your hands dirty and be more aggresive on pushing your fake reads, you seemed kind of just there and not actively messing up the town besides being towny and with that fake bleed.


Try not to make these types of posts at EoD.

  1. Itā€™s not really townie, it shows that you wanted another lynch but you lacked the conviction to try and get people on board. >rand wolf
  2. It doesnā€™t look great if either you or Appelsiini ever flip. It feels like distancing.

Also, your logs were kinda shady.

My main issue was your N2, as Iā€™ve iterated before.

Let me explain: if you claimed bleeding, and there were two other bleed claims, then it makes sense to assume that because your bleed is unclaimed, that the bleed on Amelia is likely from a real Hunter. Thus, PK is a likely townie.

Not only was the bounty poor, but it also seemed very convenient.

@TheBlueElixir What were your real Night actions btw?

You did a great job though, and Iā€™m glad that you are open to criticism. It makes you a great person to be around and it will help you become a better player quickly.

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donā€™t bleed your own king next time (jk)

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Can I bleed u

/Bleed Napoleon

ive never been bled in FoL before

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Now you have.