[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

Aight, slots that are frustrating me:


and less so:

(mostly just low-posters)

I’d like you all to read the entire thread and give your thoughts on the state of the game. Reads and all that.

Its been the same ~5 people contributing and there isnt enough new content

Arete how do you feel about non-vul non-katze people atm

@Centuries tonight you’re doing the same thing btw

I just back from yard work, but yeah, you/Arete are going in allies


which ones

most of them are about where they were last time I commented on them

activity tells people are dropping due to continued inactivity

I read Appel’s wall on you and didn’t like how hedgy it was, it’s like, literally everything was ‘this could be from scum but it could also be from town’

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yeah i was mostly gunna ask about the people i just pingu’d

i just want spice and idk how to bring spice

i feel like vul had a few mildly villagery posts today and literally nobody is defending him

but i also don’t think half of his posts wrt me FPSing scorned made sense from a villager pov


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/Vote Appelsini

Like this maybe.

You better finish the song “Thank You”

:eyes: im kinda here for this

/vote Appel

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fun fact
there is a US tank named the Crippling Depression

Okay same thing

God shots fired to most of us here I would think.
That tank is relatable.

thank you italy very cool

@italy would you like to provide any content/substance or should i kill you tonight :flushed:

do it
you don’t have the balls

guess what Italy? nobody here like spaghetti

you sir have forfeited your living rights

Did I say I had one in the first place?

are you going to sacrifice yourself to the PoE again

or did you roll town for once

/snipe ATNoName