[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

Choo choo!
The save Vulgard train is on track.

/Vote Amelia @Geyde @Marshal @Blizer

Sheā€™s giving reads while pressured as town! She doesnā€™t vanish from the thread!

Kanye West 2024 :^)
Vulgard an_gorta_pratai, PK, Wazza, Chloe, Soul 5/9
Appel Katze 1/9
Amelia Vulgard, Arete, PKR 3/9
Italy Frost 1/9
Calculus TBE 1/9



cfd makes me anxious
but i kinda want to put my vote here too

but im psyching myself out
and i
think vul is the vote

fuck me

someone take my computer and make decisions for me


you are getting wagoned. (Just incase they get a ping)


vulgard is slowly climbing

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Day ends in 35 minutes

This lynch will look insanely shit if they flip town because of the late notice

the exclamation points are villagery and I donā€™t know why

@Chloe :clap:

Wake me up!

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im like here and willing to vote away from vulgard .

everyone needs to wake the frick up if we are quick changing lynch

/Takes Chloes computer to make the vote onto Amelia and lock it

this makes me feel a certain way
and that certain way is not

fuck it
im not voting someone who isnt here
but iā€™ll do this

/vote Appel

Ooooh good choice too imo

Kanye West 2024 :^)
Vulgard an_gorta_pratai, PK, Wazza, Soul 4/9
Appel Katze, Chloe 2/9
Amelia Vulgard, Arete, PKR 3/9
Italy Frost 1/9
Calculus TBE 1/9

if we misyeet amelia D2 itā€™d be really funny and that is part of why i want to vote her over vulgard despite vulgard not being a Villagerā„¢ļø yet

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She has done the bare minimum this game. She posted, she gave reads, and then dipped. No commentary on anything, no interest in solving the game, nil. Remember how last time she was town in FoL, she posted more and actually caught several wolves in a row with redchecks? Iā€™m not expecting her to do this again if sheā€™s town, but I do expect actual engagement. I donā€™t even care if she talks about mechanics, I want to see investment in the game, and Iā€™m not seeing that.

Amelia is a wolf wolf wolf. The only reason she survived D1 in JK9 was because her partner tried to powerwolf into a V yeet and was eventually yeeted instead. She just doesnā€™t do things as scum, itā€™s her MO. BotF was the exception, but in BotF she just spammed mechanical talk and got away with it (because a lot of people werenā€™t playing). So yeah. One exception doesnā€™t make the rule.

By the way, if Amelia is groupscum, this looks partnery.



You get some pocket points for that.


Wonā€™t argue ā€œoh theyā€™re self aware so theyā€™re mafiaā€ because apparently itā€™s normal for PsychoKang, but I canā€™t help but notice these posts where he is blatantly advertizing his ā€œhelpfulnessā€

ā€¦I really donā€™t like the second post there.
Again, with more of broadcasting towniness.

This sounds like someone whoā€™s very confident in a fake claimā€¦

Interactions between my two most likely candidates!
This post shows distancing and protection at once - while saying that they would vote them, they donā€™t outright say that they are likely to be mafia.

Not many posts to quote here (kinda forgot where they were :P)

I got the overall feeling that they were trying to help as much as possible - they had many long posts explaining his thought process. So although my opinions on them have improved a little, I still belive that it is possible for them to be mafia.

Updated readlist:


everyone else


In conclusion:
/vote PsychoKang
Most likely mafia.

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