[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

remove the yet

Like, this is so weird to me because Iā€™ve already caught them as NK, so I know I can do it. Which is why Iā€™m still having some doubts, but the log thing is making me think Areteā€™s flip is real.

The GT is only needed in something like a lylo situation, so why would I use that now?

please dont use it in lylo

No, donā€™t do that, Iā€™m meming.
Itā€™s probably better in case weā€™re in lylo tomorrow or something and you need to stop a wolf quickhammer.

Wow, thanks.

I think that is possible because Anime FM exists, but I donā€™t want to believe it. I hate that I wasted an SF on a NK

as long as town has majority it hurts

and if we dont the game is over

i think the arete check is weird but i also think their D2 play lines up with having a green on someone

i should look deeper into their interactions with specifically arete

sorc isnt occ/redirect immune so a butler/drunk could point out how arete is very likely not a sorc because of X Y and Z reasons

BD would be risky because Arete was basically confirmed to be in allies chat where people usually claim

possessor or non-NK neut would make the most sense from this perspective

remember how i said in allies chat that arete was non-town because you SFed them


Iā€™m going to sleep. :wave:

I dip


i still think its weird

Wait wasnā€™t I kinda

against SF Arete in allise

Goodnight! Do not forget to ISO yourself to show your Italy things tomorrow lol.

Though, I have like already seen that you are self aware since you literally took the words out of my mouth when I was casing you.

like legit #8 is me saying I donā€™t have a TL/TR yet on them

if they flip arete as any BD that isnt Drunk then both me and gorta have very good reason to suspect the flip to be fake

BD!Arete also always writes logs

they were fairly townread so a cultseen flip would be :eyes: (plus NK might not know which faction spawned)

so neutral is like

most logical


Thatā€™s why I use it on obvious wolves. It saves our rear ends if we are in a bad spot because if they are near majority it removes one vote from them

dang it Katze

I donā€™t recall, but no one was screaming ā€œdonā€™t use SF on Areteā€. It was going to be between Katze and Arete anyway

Also Katze, was what Vul said earlier enough as ā€œproof of when Vul softed the Italy checkā€
I would be able to just show it since Vul admitted it was

Literally here and I found the exact same thing.

basically in a lylo situation with cults/unseen almost reaching parity you use it on a cultseen and remove one vote from their team

I just want to save time tbh