[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN


i see it

(ironically his first few posts of D2 feel like a greencheck on me)

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Since you just did this, it is time for me to say what I saw.

Day 1, this is in reply to Italy. Vul somewhat leans italy as town but it is not a big post.

Subtle on Day 2, almost as if Vul wants to say Italy is town but like be subtle enough to avoid being converted or killed.

Again says Italy town but this time using more solid basis rather than just a check. Once again to me it feels like it comes from an investigative who knows they have a check and wants to hide it but make sure it is known enough ā€œX is townā€

Again in reads puts Italy as a townlean. Subtle.

As I have said above.

Defends Italy when Frost lightly offered an opportunity for shade to be on him.
Also looking at timestamps it was within a minute that this was said.

Again in the same MINUTE.
Vul defending Italy.

Like it is clear to me xD

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i would 100% expect vulgard to check me first because he absolutely hates reading me
as in, iā€™m pretty sure he used to have me as a policy lynch or something simply because he couldnā€™t not nullzone me

problem is that would make me wrong
and that makes me sad
i am sad

wrong about what

wrong about having damning information
wrong about finding scum
wrong about literally being useful in any way whatsoever

i mean i could just be a wolf who has fooled you all

which would mean you did find info but people didnā€™t care :^)

This sure is a thing

6:29 am last few takes from dead players

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omega enigma jupiter tier read incoming

I lied

I fucking lied

Thereā€™s no reads

I have no idea

this image may be my magnum opus

i thought about it some more

i think im willing to ride or die on Vul/PKR/Italy all being BD

so until further notice i think im at something like this

never yeet today

  • Italy
  • Amelia
  • Vulgard
  • PokemonKidRyan
  • Katze
  • an_gorta_pratai :crown:

probably just BD as well

  • Appelsiini

everyone else

  • TheBlueElixir
  • Centuries
  • Calculus
  • SoulShade55r

this is the same list as i had earlier isnt it

okay thats not a gamer move

if i disregard mechanics entirely my personal readlist would look more like this




Appelsiini (drops in wolf!Centuries worlds, but their progression makes sense even if i disagreeā€¦ and this read is still sort of mechanical :upside_down_face: )


Centuries (need to reeval this because i havenā€™t actually gotten to it when i said i would in allies chat, i had a somewhat meh reason to TR this on D2)
TBE (light TL that i need to reeval)


Vulgard (tbh heā€™s had a somewhat decent string of posting today but i still have a slightly sour taste)

not in the above lists


king so still never yeet this really
gorta (has dropped slightly today but is still probably just GK)

mmm this doesnt look that different from the above list lmao

i need to do a full reeval tomorrow


where does the

ā€œIf Centuries is BD Appel is BDā€ comes from

I donā€™t understand

ive explained this multiple times!!!

Okay thanks kat!!!



for the record i mean ā€œwhen i wake upā€

the problem is that my attention span is shit and typing for too long is hurting my wrist because i slept on it badly and lolRSI

typing with a wrist brace on is weird

dont really recommend it

i dont have too much energy right now but can you give me a readlist of your own or something

chloe seems to be really confident that youā€™re town and i think sheā€™s much better at reading people than she gives herself credit for but

i dont fully see it because i wasnt in allies with you


gimme something if you got something

if not then shrug ill prob just call it for the night and catch up tomorrow

imma be honest

i can post something that excludes mech

but if i count mech

lmao all i can say is that

i doubt poe is game winning if we yeet everyone

i dont want to overrely on mech because thats exactly what fucked me in anni2020

even if i feel like this game is much more mech solvable than that game and this particular instance of FoL feels somewhat mechsolvable as well