[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

I’m mostly frustrated with myself that things have come to the point of “people randomly casting votes on my wagon because yes.” I must be playing really terribly.

I really want to like do something else but I feel bad not posting enough in thread today lmao

what’s your least consensus-y take at the moment

have you slept

it’s like 9 AM your time and I don’t remember you ever leaving

No I’ve been playing mafia since 6pm my time

Italy town? They show engagement in the game.

I have absolutely no idea what to think about Calculus.

Gorta is getting cleared and I’m not sure why.

Soul potentially wolf?

From 6pm to 10am

I’ve only like

played mafia and watched a few videos


Gorta is GK from Allies like I really feel it

He seems relaxed



lol possibly something i should be doing lmao


is this ‘they haven’t done anything pulling you either way’ or ‘they’ve done things pulling you in both ways’

In how many hours is day end

That is to say: If I go to bed in an hour, how many hours of sleep do I sacrifice knowing I’m awake at 6pm anyway :sunglasses:

EoD is in 9 and a bit hours

Cool no amount of sleep will be sacrified


Tone seems pure, but reads are very odd. Focused exclusively on finding wolves without finding any town.
Kinda neut indicative, maybe?


I have a specific thing I want you to do (if you’re willing, obviously you don’t have to)

if you are town here I think it might help me find you as such

in order to tell you what it is I need you to give me the name of someone you’re feeling conflicted on and haven’t already discussed a lot

Gorta is someone I feel conflicted on who I also haven’t discussed a lot. I feel like they’ve been taking a back seat in regards to this game.

I wish I could go outside, but it’s raining. Guess I’m stuck here then.

Homestuck, thread 1 - 70~ posts until converted midway D2
Short Fuse V - 136 posts, starting scum (game ended D1)
Airlock - 210~ posts, town (game ended D6)

My postcount is a mystery in itself.