[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN



/vote PsychoKang

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inb4 Amelia prince

Yeah, no. She knows how to play town PR. Not like this.

In my opinion Vulgard has to be checked, so yeah

/vote Amelia

Of course you don’t, that’s why it’s bad for you as follow-up duh

kat, if i die tonight
please dig into my mind and figure out what my brain was doing today
because it is indeed doing things

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What is the reasoning behind the Amelia votes?


Don’t jinx it or punches will be thrown :confused:

fuck that im stealing your damn cats

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Kanye West 2024 :^)
Vulgard an_gorta_pratai, PK, Wazza, Soul 4/9
Appel Katze, Chloe 2/9
Amelia Vulgard, Arete, PKR, Frost 4/9
Calculus TBE 1/9
PK Calculus 1/9

/Vote Amelia

Right now idk, but I’m just going to go with Pkr

But this is a lot of resistance

I wish I could sleep

Kanye West 2024 :^)
Vulgard an_gorta_pratai, PK, Wazza 3/9
Appel Katze, Chloe 2/9
Amelia Vulgard, Arete, PKR, Frost, Soul 5/9
Calculus TBE 1/9
PK Calculus 1/9

Pkrs main arguement was that Vul had hardly any resistance wanted to clear this up

vul had no resistence for most of the day

…Can someone please explain to me why Amelia is getting voted

half an hour left and CFDs are already starting


I see

I’ve arrived

I’m going to get so much flak for this aren’t I…

something something counterwagon