[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

Which is why I have 2 possibilities in mind.

  1. Fool messed with Katze.
  2. Katze is cult.

It is literally a 50 50

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im well aware of the NK kill being likely fake

if there’s 2 deaths overnight

and one is cult

…it wasnt an eradicate!


i don’t think fool can mess with maid’s previous target
only their current target

okay redirection exists but very very unlikely

I was thinking you were actually mm/cl or someshit I was really confused but I do Townie read you outside the mech info

Oh god, please no.

…How does wasting fealty help them as NK?

I don’t think that’s their take as NK? Like, if they are NK and they genuinely scumread me (which they did, on d1 at least), then they probably want me alive earlygame. Unless they want the towncred from my yeet, in a world where I’m scum.

Notable thing about their ISO so far is that there’s absolutely no interest in finding NK…

It’s cuter, but cuddle yields superior memes.

I have to say that Arete hasn’t really felt like a town leader this game. I wouldn’t say they normally play like a town leader, but something feels off. Like they are just kinda on the sidelines?
It’s probably the flip giving me second thoughts.

Fuck, I went through the entire ISO and I don’t know. I’m still leaning town, but NK is possible.

Was Katze N1 and Vul N2 then

in worlds where AT is actually a fool then they can frame people twice postmortem

do i think im a likely frame target?

yeah, kind of, but PKRs perspective this game doesn’t line up with him being a Princess anyway

Well, Amelia can confirm I was not jailed so your idea is conceptually wrong from the start ^^

Explain this. What the heck.

i already said that your treatment of PK on D2 lines up much closer with a Seeker with a Killer check than a Princess with a K/O check

If Prince is healed then that’s good if anyone occupied Chloe last night or anything (I highly doubt this) Please out

Why does it line up more.
You need to explain that in depth because like… what.

There are next to no mentions of NK in Arete’s ISO, but that’s probably true for everyone?

you treated it much closer to a redcheck

K/O checks are not redchecks

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me and arete went over this in allies a bit

we both still thought you were town despite that

evidently we were likely wrong

frames on kat would still affect it


does anyone claim to have visited italy N1?

wait vulgard already claimed that

Katze, let me lay it out simply to you.
I see 2 worlds, the first is you being cult. The second is somehow Fool is fucking with this like they clearly did with N1 on Appel.

I think the first world is much more likely.
If it is not, then I will profusely apologise and accept not being healed.

But you saying “Do not heal pkr AND do not lynch me” is scummy from a normal BD perspective if you try looking from my pov.