FoL 29 - Deadchat

because kat is my sister and kat is good and we love kat

also you were right about vul
and uh

ive adopted you as a member of the town
congrats welcome

dude thats cute af wtf

Cult killed me

therefore I’m anti-Cult

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fun fact I TMI’d myself NK multiple times :^)

okay so with AT not being fool

we have a fool still alive

is pkr fool
trying to avoid a vul elim?

nah probably just seeker

/dayvig PKR

boom bye scum

Actually, I would still have redirected Italy so Vulgard is definitely groupscum

oh yeah
arete i was mad at you for removing yourself from Prince PoE by asking for SF

but lolnk

I mean Vulgard defended Italy last day

He wouldn’t know he is maid so yeah

I’d admit my internet went a bit slow from too much replying so everything was delayed

Nah it’s not just you


NK is the best neut though

‘I can’t be converted, I was Fealtied’


that’s not AI, I just started trying to, like, actually have a life even when I’m in a game

also D1 I was trying to follow Anni

also, I was playing a strategy game eariler only to check that it was almost time for EoD. I rushed and completely forgot I had to give an explanation for why I did X

Either way, arete covered my real logs

did kat also heal amelia last night

did we do the same two actions
are we twins

kat told me he had an occupy potion prepared

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The one thing the entire town forgot is wtf did NK do last night

My real N2 action is Centuries > appelsiini

… and they didnt occ vul?

kat weird

or kat did occ vul and they missed n1 conv but i dont think they erad n2 if they do

oh or blood ward
blood ward exists

also why am i speculating on mech chloe stop