[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

i dont have too much energy right now but can you give me a readlist of your own or something

chloe seems to be really confident that you’re town and i think she’s much better at reading people than she gives herself credit for but

i dont fully see it because i wasnt in allies with you


gimme something if you got something

if not then shrug ill prob just call it for the night and catch up tomorrow

imma be honest

i can post something that excludes mech

but if i count mech

lmao all i can say is that

i doubt poe is game winning if we yeet everyone

i dont want to overrely on mech because thats exactly what fucked me in anni2020

even if i feel like this game is much more mech solvable than that game and this particular instance of FoL feels somewhat mechsolvable as well

What is the plan here is all I want to know.
The lynch, the jail target and me being healed need to be discussed imo.
I still think you will make the right decision when it comes to your shot Katze so… yeah.

but its hard to drop mech entirely when

vul/PKRs treatment on my slot today feels significantly less likely to come from wolves because like

they have no real reason to even reconsider “redchecks” on me

like the only time a wolf would do that is if they think im precisely a sellsword, and even then it’s still towncred if they yeet me

or to pocket me hard

which feels unnecessary even if im a loud voice and… 20% of the games posting. wow

i see the possible scum motivation in their actions today but they don’t even come close to the town motivation

a thing to consider is that in worlds where the 2nd starting cult is a ritualist

this is an ability that exists

so mech clearing Italy for that greencheck might be unwise

meta indicates Italy is more likely to be a villager than not, regardless

this is too much thinking for now

im dipping unless someone posts something juicy before i sleep

vul/pkr are prob just villagers

pkr prob bleeds out tonight which kinda sucks

i dont like having killpower but if i decide to eagle shot tonight then i’m praying i don’t commit a not-very gamer move

deffo using multishot so i dont get redirected into amelia

although im 90% sure scum dont have an invoker anyway

Do we not have someone who claimed they could heal me?
They should heal me to self prove.

the implication was that centuries was a healer but with the prince outted id still advise they WIFOM who they heal

because a dead prince is worth a lot more than a dead princess

I disagree with this.
We have a King who needs to prove themselves to be trustworthy.
They can guard the prince while Centuries heals me.


im not gonna think about nightplans yet

Fair enough.
We do have our day lynch and imprison plans first.

accept my dayplay post or perish thief

you should accept the fact im a god at making reads so take this as the truth

ok more serious

maybe attitude is weird

first post is like “scared of posting because im scum” and like

eh that exists

something i learned about leafia in hometsuck

she somehow always has at least 1 scum pinned down as scum early :^)

This exists

Meh if Vulgard is town it’s uselses

Wouldn’t it be funny if both were scum

idk about tbe tbf tbh

I’m wary of everyone who SRs Leafia early because if I can powerwolf thread into a yeet d1 I’m pretty sure anyone could :^)

idk what tbe is doing early though

idk wtf that is

or that

eh in defense of vul he hadnt read homestuck (the game not homestuck)

fk is this



posting it as a screenie because lol it’s just something very interesting do not tell leafia!!

she only does it as town 4 games sample btwbtw

i have 0 idea on how to read soul

please someone better at knowing people tell me what this means

le epic meme

me no remembers tbe throwing reads with no explaining

i like appel

appel has to be town apparently

i guess

fuck chleb (she’s not a thing anymore)
appel is my new bestie

maybe the tone

me on the 17th of july said it

has to be true nerds

this is more of a tbe read

i have called tbe vul at one point in this post havent i

how the frick did no one laugh at this

hot take

he had tmi

tbe weird

what is this also


better tbe look


my man had good reads

i assume unless kat is a sinner

this is town tbe thoughts tbh tbf (yeah i did that joke twice so what)

i like this also

thats okay

thats my favorite part of the upcoming post

this i could see as scum but i have 0 arguments and its just me hating lhfs with a burning passion

[quote=“Vulgard, post:378, topic:82831, full:true”]

TBE probably not wolf again. I feel like when he actually does rand wolf, people are going to townread him. He gets wolfread all the time as town for some reason.
I think he’s been fairly villagery.

…s e l f - r e s o l v i n g
To be fair, claiming that day 1 is >rand V, because it offers you no advantages if you’re wolfing. Leafia might be town.

I’m in the same mindset, really, except I’m not as sold on Appel as you seem to be. Why do you think Appel’s a villager?

These posts from TBE are what makes me think he’s being his usual free-flowy villagery self. He’s just posting random takes all the time, even thoughts which don’t lead anywhere / don’t make sense, because he doesn’t care about whether it makes sense. He just wants to post stuff, valuable or not, and that’s what he does as V.

I’m surprised you think that. I think her posts in her last wolfgame and this game have been like night and day.

In fact, I feel like you’re being oddly… careful this game? You do have takes, but you present them in a really quiet way and I find it surprising how you seem to be attempting to fade into the background. Even your meming is relatively toned-down.

Are you doing that to promote game health, or is there another reason you don’t want to stand out?

Slightly >rand V entrance, but could be coached.

I’ve barely given any, so it’s not like you can read me based on reasoning. I’m trying to fix that right now.

Hard veto.


I’m reminded of Chuck in BfA for some reason.

Bruh, if I were a neutral, I would self-yeet. Neuts out.

Explain? The fact he’s engaging at all is a decent look. It’s not good engagement but at least he has something. Considering it’s day 1, that counts for even more.

…Is this towny? Feels like a massive jump to a conclusion.

Self-awareness 100.

Also, kinda this. Half-mindmeld.

I suppose you’re the n1 kill.

Progression seems all over the place, considering he suggested Chloe/katze being w/w a few posts before that. More likely they just don’t care about progression and are V, I think.

Yeah, but progression is so bad I think it’s villagery bad.

Why do your reads have to imply two people’s alignments instead of just one?

This post is on the weirder side 8:25 havent slept since 15 hours centuries doesnt know how to explain though

fuck arete said otherwise might aswell out by now

this feels funny

sounds like it comes from town

why cant he be paranoid scum


ok back in the game i mindmeld with arete on one post welcome back centuries to the game of forummafia


vulgard isnt scum for it

but these takes at the bottom should get their own post because if i skim over them well idk something bad could happen thats it

ok nobody will ever read this and its only the first 440 posts but i just wanted to do something so i dont go into ultra depression after the game that just ended

conclusion is like

let me think of one

I’m very flip floppy on Vul/TBE early game

Soul I need to know more about how they play

ATN is ok but could show signs of TMI

Kat is ok and Chloe said it was town iirc so like Chloe take the blame if im wrong

Calculus no idea

that was very progression/20

hes also dead

shes been wrong exactly 0 times in full length games

this isnt an awful metric tbh


see this is how much i read


i just had a thought

having a priest to talk to dead chat

would be really fucking gamer

sucks that no priest spawned

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must have been an issue on host side’s

just unlucky rng

priest/mystic arent guaranteed and none seem to have spawned unless one of the nonclaimer is a hidden priest/mystic

for mysterious reasons i doubt that :cat: