FoL on MU, or why science has gone too far

let’s rand grand idea classes too


The Good King :crossed_swords: :shield: :fire:

Blue Dragon Special
Pass the Torch (Passive) - If you die, a vote to determine the next king will be held at start of the next day.
Head of State (Passive) - You can use both day abilities in the same day. Immune to occupation and redirection. Your abilities will not be seen by investigative abilities.
Grand Trial (Day) - Target a player. Prevent all players from voting anyone outside of you and them. Wipes current votes, and can’t be used in the last 24 hours of a day. - 1 Use
Allies (Day) - Choose up to two players. During this night, you will have a private chat with them. - 2 Uses
Guard! (Night) - Choose a player. They will be immune to death tonight. - 3 uses :crown:
Swear Fealty (Night) - Make a player permanently immune to conversion. - 1 use (Starting King Only.)
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Crowned from members of the Blue Dragon.

The Evil King :crossed_swords: :shield:

Unseen Special
Pass the Torch (Passive) - If you die, a vote to determine the next king will be held at start of the next day.
Head of State (Passive) - You can use both day abilities in the same day.
Immune to occupation and redirection. Your abilities do not count as visits.
Grand Trial (Day) - Target a player. Prevent all players from voting anyone outside of you and them. Wipes current votes, and can’t be used in the last 24 hours of a day. - 1 Use
Allies (Day) - Choose up to two players. During this night, you will have a private chat with them. - 2 Uses
Guard! (Night) - Choose a player. They will be immune to death tonight. - 3 uses :crown:
Cast Shadow (Night) - Target player will be night immune this night and appear as a selected BD class to investigations for the rest of the game. - 1 use (Starting King only)
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Crowned from members of the Unseen.

The Devout King :crossed_swords: :shield:

Cult Special
Pass the Torch (Passive) - If you die, a vote to determine the next king will be held at start of the next day.
Head of State (Passive) - You can use both day abilities in the same day.
Immune to occupation and redirection. Your abilities will not be seen by investigative abilities.
Grand Trial (Day) - Target a player. Prevent all players from voting anyone outside of you and them. Wipes current votes, and can’t be used in the last 24 hours of a day. - 1 Use
Allies (Day) - Choose up to two players. During this night, you will have a private chat with them. - 2 Uses
Guard! (Night) - Choose a player. They will be immune to death tonight. - 3 uses :crown:
Dark Gods Crown (Night) - Select a dead Cultist and a living player. Depending on the Cultist’s class a different effect will occur. Each corpse can only be used once. :crown:
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals that oppose you.

Dark Gods Crown Effects:
Seeker - You learn of the players class type.
Cabalist - If the targeted player is not cult, they will lose all uses in their limited usage abilities
Ritualist - You will prevent visits to the player.
Invoker - The player will be occupied.
Apostle - The player will be given incorrect feedback for their ability tonight.
Acolyte - The player will be unable to be healed for the night.
Cult Leader - The player will be framed.
Devout King - The player will be bled sometime during the next day.

Crowned from members of the Cult.

The Errant King :shield: :fire:

Neutral Special
Pass the Torch (Passive) - If you die, a vote to determine the next king will be held at start of the next day.
The Monarch without a Purpose (Passive) - You have access to the following effects:

  • You are immune to occupation and redirection.
  • Your abilities will not be seen by investigative abilities.
  • You can use both day abilities in the same day.
  • You will become a Good King if a member of the Blue Dragon is Executed, you will become an Evil King if a member of the Unseen is Executed, and you will become a Psychopathic King if a Neutral Killer is executed.

Grand Trial (Day) - Target a player. Prevent all players from voting anyone outside of you and them. Wipes current votes, and can’t be used in the last 24 hours of a day. - 1 Use
Allies (Day) - Choose up to two players. During this night, you will have a private chat with them. - 2 Uses
Guard! (Night) - Choose a player. They will be immune to death tonight. - 3 uses
Gain a win condition and fulfill it.

Crowns from the Crusader should they not have gained a win condition already.

The Mad King (Unofficial Class) :shield: :fire:

Neutral Special
Trickery (Passive) - You can use both day abilities in the same day. You are immune to occupation and redirection. Your abilities will not be seen by investigative abilities. You can use both day abilities in the same day.
Madman’s Will (Passive) - If you are executed, the regret of killing a madman will weigh on everyone and the next day will be spent mourning, where the only possible vote will be no lynch. In addition, there will be no more king elections.
Grand Trial (Day) - Target a player. Prevent all players from voting anyone outside of you and them. Wipes current votes, and can’t be used in the last 24 hours of a day. - 1 Use
Allies (Day) - Choose up to two players. During this night, you will have a private chat with them. - 2 Uses
Guard! (Night) - Choose a player. They will be immune to death tonight. - 3 uses :crown:
Deceive (Night) - Choose a class and whom target player visits and is visited by. Investigators visiting target player will receive results corresponding with your choices. Resolves after frames/tailors. - Infinite Uses
Make sure no more than 2 other non-BD are lynched during the course of the game.

Crowns from the Fool.

The Inquisitive King (Unofficial Class) :shield: :fire:

Neutral Special
Pass The Torch (Passive) - If you die, a vote to determine the next king will be held at start of the next day.
Archbishop (Passive) - You can use both day abilities in the same day. Immune to occupation and redirection. You are immune to death and bleeding once. Your abilities will not be seen by investigative abilities.
Grand Trial (Day) - Target a player. Prevent all players from voting anyone outside of you and them. Wipes current votes, and can’t be used in the last 24 hours of a day. - 1 Use
Allies (Day) - Choose up to two players. During this night, you will have a private chat with them. - 2 Uses
Guard Shakedown! (Night) - Learn if target player is a heretic. If so they cannot be prevented from dying by any means this night. If not, they will be death immune this night. - Infinite uses
Ruthless Efficiency (Night) - Guess target’s player exact starting class. Can only guess Blue Dragon heretic classes from Zealous Pursuit. If incorrect, disable your one time death/bleeding immunity and Ruthless Efficiency. If correct, provided they are a heathen, kill target player bypassing everything. You cannot be prevented, occupied or redirected. This does not count as a visit. - Infinite uses
Live to see all heretics die.

Crowns from the Inquisitor.

The Plutocratic King (Unofficial Class) :shield: :fire:

Neutral Special
Pass The Torch (Passive) - If you die, a vote to determine the next king will be held at start of the next day. If your targets have died and you would be executed, then there will be no more Kings this game.
Fortitude (Passive) - You can use both day abilities in the same day. Immune to occupation and redirection. Your abilities will not be seen by investigative abilities.
Grand Trial (Day) - Target a player. Prevent all players from voting anyone outside of you and them. Wipes current votes, and can’t be used in the last 24 hours of a day. - 1 Use
Allies (Day) - Choose up to two players. During this night, you will have a private chat with them. - 2 Uses
Guard! (Night) - Choose a player. They will be immune to death tonight. - 3 uses :crown:
Protect (Night) - Prevent non-conversion abilities from targeting one of your targets. In addition, you are death immune this night. - 2 uses
Your objective is to ensure that at least one of your targets remains alive until the end of the game or to survive. Your targets are [x] and [y].

Crowns from the Mercenary.

The Just King :shield:

Neutral Special
Pass the Torch (Passive) - If you die, a vote to determine the next king will be held at start of the next day.
Benevolent Rule (Passive) - You have access to the following effects:

  • Immune to occupation and redirection.
  • Your abilities will not be seen by investigative abilities.
  • You can use both day abilities in the same day.
  • If two or more Blue Dragon members are executed, you will commit suicide the following night.

Grand Trial (Day) - Target a player. Prevent all players from voting anyone outside of you and them. Wipes current votes, and can’t be used in the last 24 hours of a day. - 1 Use
Allies (Day) - Choose up to two players. During this night, you will have a private chat with them. - 2 Uses
Transparency (Night) - All investigations will net accurate results for the night. - 2 uses
Royal Pardon (Night) - Prevents your target from being lynched tomorrow. If they would be lynched the day will instead end as if there was no lynch. - 3 uses
Make sure no more than one Blue Dragon member is wrongfully executed.

Crowns from the Missionary.

The Begrudged King (Unofficial Class) :shield: :fire:

Neutral Special
Pass the Torch (Passive) - If you die, a vote to determine the next king will be held at start of the next day.
Head of State (Passive) - You can use both day abilities in the same day.
Immune to occupation and redirection. Your abilities will not be seen by investigative abilities.
Grand Trial (Day) - Target a player. Prevent all players from voting anyone outside of you and them. Wipes current votes, and can’t be used in the last 24 hours of a day. - 1 Use
Allies (Day) - Choose up to two players. During this night, you will have a private chat with them. - 2 Uses
Guard! (Night) - Choose a player. They will be immune to death tonight. - 3 uses :crown:
Scapegoat (Night) - Send guards to frame two targets. - Infinite uses
Survive to see 2 marked players lynched.

Crowns from the Scorned

The Spiteful King :shield: :fire:

Neutral Special
Pass the Torch (Passive) - If you die, a vote to determine the next king will be held at start of the next day.
Head of State (Passive) - You can use both day abilities in the same day.
Immune to occupation and redirection. Your abilities will not be seen by investigative abilities.
Grand Trial (Day) - Target a player. Prevent all players from voting anyone outside of you and them. Wipes current votes, and can’t be used in the last 24 hours of a day. - 1 Use
Allies (Day) - Choose up to two players. During this night, you will have a private chat with them. - 2 Uses
Guard! (Night) - Choose a player. They will be immune to death tonight. - 3 uses :crown:
Mark (Night) - The target player temporarily loses death immunity if they have it, and can not be healed tonight. - 2 uses
See the Blue Dragon defeated at any cost.

Crowns from the Sellsword, or a Chancellor’s Protégé should they be aligned with the Blue Dragon, and the Chancellor be alive.

The Psychopathic King (Unofficial Class) :shield: :fire:

Neutral Special
Insanity (Passive) - You have access to the following effects:

  • Immunity to death at night.
  • You are immune to bleeding and will be informed upon being bled.
  • You can use both day abilities in the same day.
  • Immune to occupation and redirection.
  • Your abilities will not be seen by investigative abilities.

Pass the Torch (Passive) - If you die, a vote to determine the next king will be held at start of the next day.
Grand Trial (Day) - Target a player. Prevent all players from voting anyone outside of you and them. Wipes current votes, and can’t be used in the last 24 hours of a day. - 1 Use
Allies (Day) - Choose up to two players. During this night, you will have a private chat with them. - 2 Uses
Guard! (Night) - Choose a player. They will be immune to death tonight. - 3 uses :crown:
Personal Execution (Night) - Send a guard to kill a player. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, and the Unseen or Cult.

Crowns from any Neutral Killer.


and no


fix this

what do you need
someone put me on the spot to advertise fol

Formatting borken

who would do such a thing

since GT doesn’t work we’re making the obvious decision and making king more powerful

give king a 1-shot vig that can only be used n3 onwards

How did you manage to do this

what are you asking
why are you asking
who are you asking

The entire rest of the class card

Is part of the last bullet

forum formatting

Make Grand Trial on MU a gladiate

problem solved

they can do that
I forgot
good idea

But what if you self target :^)


I think the way it works is

host: ‘hey everyone Arete and Geyde are gladiated, vote between them or looser’

kill king on d1

Actually would FoL on MU have a D1 execute :^)

And it would be you despite not being in the game.