FoL the 18th One. HOSTED BY YOUR UNCLE - GAME END - Cult and Fanatic Victory

exporting a video rn.

I’m sorry for threatening to modkill myself to prove your alignment and I’m sorry for throwing my anger towards you and I’ll try not to do it again but medically I can promise nothing, which is why I’m asking for the preventative measures of accusations towards me being more logical and less aggressive.

Cause I understand of course that you’ve got to lynch me if I’m scum and mislynch me if you’re scum and I’m town or whatever, that’s part of the game, but I don’t wanna feel assaulted over it, and I don’t want others to feel like I’m assaulting them with my retorts as well.

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huh. I never saw the slurs

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Town gamesolving this game


I flagged this post for vile misconduct

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Also personally to you, I did nothing wrong in forum wrestling so that should not be considered as an example that I was mean.

In overwatch, I was bossy to win, I did not use slurs at you nor was I mean to you. I told you what to do to win and you followed me and we won.

Here, well… I needed to do what I needed to do to win, maybe a little bit was for vengeance. I was calm. I did not use foul language at you, you lost and therefore you are salty. Maybe I was a little harsh, but I needed to do what to do to win. So yeah… this is a game so chill.

So… the Defence has successfully defended all of the Prosecution’s allegations and there is none left. The jury now presents the defendant NOT GUILTY on all charges.

You want me to show them to you or are you joking?


bruh why are these images failing on me, I’m mad

EDIT: there we go

oh yeah. If a modkill ISN’T being used to end the day then at least do it when the day ends. For example with techwolf we probably would have lynched him if he wasn’t modkilled. So you could have just played it out and modkilled him if and only if he wasn’t executed (without telling us that this was on the table at all)

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show them in DMs. I am not joking.

I don’t want them to be showed here as forum rules.


The fuck is salt gang? And yeah I did do that cause that was the only way BD could once once I was voted up


That would end the day in other sites.

Also it would have ended here as well

And then you would have lost

Had to try something /shrug

But whatever

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wasnt talking about you here maxi

I somehow read that as me since I did ask if I could modkilled myself in my role card and people were asking about me

book of facts
you can’t call people out for being snarky when you have a berdly profile pic

They can be
Any of us can

I’m gonna be honest, looking at that is pretty damning, so I’m using my power of stern warnings on this one. I’d heavily advise rethinking if you should join a game if you think you will find yourself in a situation where you can’t stop yourself from ruining it for everyone. It’s not fair to the other players, and it’s not good for your own mental health.

get outta here with that phoenix wright stuff though lol


OH NOES! PLEASE RECONSIDER! It’s only his first time!

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