FoL23 - Dead Chat

I know Maxwell has ToL experience, and phys is kind of a meta claim for Masterminds in ToL.

They think Jake is MM because he didn’t confirm himself and his logs were kind of bad.

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I’m strongly leading towards thinking Eevee’s flip was altered, but I want to hear who Eevee supposedly actually jailed to be sure.

That’s a scumslip.

no wait Demon is immune I think, never mind.

So the funniest thing is that he actually did.

i mean he sure isnt telling them, for some reason

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Alice was jailed.

Either MM or protection so worth it.

If they arent claiming it, it means they are most likely scum.



They claimed prince now.

Thats higher bullshit tier.

I mean they are pretty m7ch dead tommorow if noone confirms it anyway.

I don’t know if you’re allowed to quote directly, but what did Alice say to you in jail?



Am I?

Here’s a thought, what if Possessed was fakeclaiming the bleed in order to signal Warlock-i-ness to evils?

…Now I’m starting to doubt myself and wonder if Tele really was the convert (which would confirm Eevee’s flip as real). I just have a hard time believing that she’d miss

Armored (Passive)- Your first successful use of Defend will not kill you.

when specifically looking for that, and when it specifically works the same way in ToL.

No quoting. Just paraphrase it.

I sent message first, asking them why should I believe they are town, they answered first message in semi-scummy way, shading htm and Geyde (Jake) slots, saying it’s probably one of them claiming confirmable role to earn some time.

After I didn’t answer they assumed that I want to execute them (which I was heavily considering) the second message was more panic-like, pointing all theirs softs/claim/etc. and why they apparently can’t be scum.

Probably should of just done it.

The better question is if I can be revived if I was disguised, if not, Jake should probably go for Drunk. There is kinda no better role to stop the masacre.

I think revive only revives the player’s ability to speak, not their ability to actually use abilities.

Imprison (Day) - Choose a player to jail at night occupying the target (Bypasses occupy immunity) and preventing visits to them. You both will be able to send each other a single 1000 character message through the host. - Infinite uses
(emphasis mine)

I’ve never been FoL imprisoned before, so I’m not actually sure if what you describe (Alice sending two messages) is possible.

Your right, it shouldn’t be.
I also sent 2 messages as well tho.

It was 2 messages in past and I forgot it was changed, I assume Priestess as well, since they didn’t ping me about it.


Why weren’t I informed about 2nd message?
Did we both forgot about it?