FoL23 - Dead Chat

Can you summarize your N1 conversation with H_Hja?

N1 is actualy a parody, since I replaced in and saw someone in my jail and Frost already sending a message, making me pretty useless.

Like imagine replacing to slot which canā€™t use actions, since previous owner used them already and left.

what was the conversation between frost and hja in that case?

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theres a massive dick measuring contest going on in living chat while maxwell and alice hide in plain sight

I mean, Iā€™m pretty sure at this point that Poss is the Warlock.

but yeah, it seems like a pretty effective distraction.

i mean yeah, im not denying that. still dont know who the nk is tho

EK? or GK making a play?

GK meme play or EK weird play

I mean, if heā€™s EK and he really believes Alice is the Prince, it would be a play that makes sense ā€“ I think theyā€™d have majority with Possessed.

I think itā€™s very possible that heā€™s watching to see who votes her, and/or if she says ā€˜you idiot, Iā€™m the Mastermind, unvote me right now.ā€™

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The tone here makes me strongly suspect this is a GK play. The biggest risk here is that assorted other members of the Blue Dragon are going to vote up Kape as well.

Tele is still BD.

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Wait is Tele serious or a ā€œcatch scum play thingā€

Iā€™m 98 percent certain that Teleā€™s doing a ā€˜catch scum play.ā€™

The tone is off, and she didnā€™t vote.

Oh shit she voted

I mean Alice is MM, Iā€™m pretty sure, but

This post just seems so weird tbh.

Maybe she is SS though

She and Kape are trying to trick evils into outing themselves. (Itā€™s not working, probably because, yā€™know, Alice is Mastermind).

At this point theyā€™re going to need to explain soon what exactly theyā€™re doing, so that they donā€™t collectively get GKape upped and executed.

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At least, I think thatā€™s what theyā€™re doing. I could be wrong.

Fuck, did they reach majority on Kape by accident? or did he use a day ability? or whatā€™s happening?

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What in the world is going onā€¦?