[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

Yeah… I’m trying to do a pro gamer move at this point. If it is the wrong decision, I apologize.

/vote Alice


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3 votes. Scum snipe this trial please.

Unseen might as well just out now.

I think they have numbers…RIP

Yeah Unseen should just Out

@Maxwell are you my MM?

…I can’t fucking believe that Lymphoma was a real Maid. OMGUSing your check n1, and then not actually playing them game was just fucking unbelievable.

Only way we win here FMPoV is if Unseen failed their conversion 2 nights in a row.

Still doesn’t explain why nobody has voted me so far outside of the SS and EK, though, so we may still win.

/vote kape

@SirDerpsAlot you evil? Vote Alice!

I wouldn’t do that if I were you.

Sweet I get to live tonight! Next time think before you sheep though

Max, Dat, Jake ???

@Kape our Unseen are AFK zzz

Wake up you lazy bums!

@DatBird go tell our buddies to vote Alice, the Prince, already.

/Unvote Alice

/vote Kape


Yeah I’m actually CW. I was jebaiting. We know that Derp and Ozz and Poss are almost certainly BD due to the fact that they didn’t vote Alice.

It’d actually be pretty hilarious if the Unseen tried to convert me and Tele n2, tbh, and then having the SS and EK outed for no reason.

I’m actually not SS, was just trying to get Unseen to think they had majority by outing


Please Shut Up

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