FoL26: Cult Chat

Also neither of us are jailed, so that’s cool.

By “curveball” I mean “unexpected conversion.” Everybody says Emilia is an easy metaread, so converting her would seem -EV. I just want to convert someone who will fly under the radar.

I considered Derps, but he is super loud as wolf (from my experience) and that could give the conversion target away.

Also, I wonder who we should lynch tomorrow. I think I should be able to find a good target during the day.

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If I get tracked to Hja I could claim her as my target. It matches my earlier claim that I’m “pretty sure my target is V.”

Ah. For lynch targets, I might think Chloe or Darth

Darth might actually be my claimed contract target, but Emilia could be better. :slight_smile:
Chloe does seem like an easy mislynch, true.

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Is that it when it comes to our night plans? :joy:
People are going to read this chat and be like “wow they really played terribly”
But I still think we can win, so. :smiley:

Yeah, I’d think so.
I may not be vocal in chats, but hey, there’s some massive planning going on

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I think my plan for day 2 is to sow as much chaos as possible by pushing, changing my reads, and in general being a vocal presence.

When/if I die, they are going to look into my reads and who I pushed. Hopefully my ISO will make them more confused.

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You’ve submitted your action, yeah? And it is… what exactly?

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Redirect Marshal to himself which actually occupied him

Okay, good.

Welcome @Emilia

Emilia is The Seeker

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Had to do it for the memes.
And also because lolconvertingeasymetaread.

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None of Possessed/Derps (Princess claim)/Arete (Princess claim)/Ami/Marshal (outed Hunter) are protectives or they would’ve outed a save by now. :upside_down_face:

Read is moot if the jail target was a feasible NK kill target.

Why would you ever convert me

Exactly. :slight_smile:

Exact reason why I converted you.

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And something tells me you were a Paladin, so…

Emilia was Maid.