FoL26: Cult Chat

Okay guys. I think enough time has passed for me to reveal my true colors.

The Observer

D1 - Little Bird Emilia. Left her room. No visitors. Figured it was a good enough target to be watched because of her strong V status yesterday.
N1 - Stalked Ami. Ami visted Darth. No nightkill :eyes:

This is not a fakeclaim. I fakeclaimed Mercenary to gather a bunch of reactions. I was wondering who would want me dead and who wouldnā€™t, among other things. I figured that it would be extra effective if I threw some crumbs before fakeclaiming ā€“ and also because Iā€™ve never FPSed like this before. Unfortunately I got bled for it, which is why my frustration closer to EoD was genuine.

That said, I also got some interesting stuff as a result. Namely, Ami was being oddly friendly with me ā€“ so I followed her, and look where that got me.

We have a probable wolf here, or the NK. Remember the fact there was no nightkill. I suspect that Magnus unintentionally saved Darth.

I had no idea if I should out this now, but now that I know Darth was jailed (and because I thought Ami was wolfy before), Amiā€™s killer equity went way up.

Side note: Derpsā€™ check on me is legit, whether heā€™s V or not. Iā€™m honestly not sure if heā€™s V, but he feels more like his LotR self (where he was V), so heā€™s off my hook right now. I denied the check because I still wanted to keep up the fakeclaim.

Anyway, Ami is probably a wolf.

Please heal me tonight if you havenā€™t already.

Also, all of my pushes on Marshal were test pushes. I tried to figure out if he was wolf or village (and his convert equity) based on his responses. I generally liked what I saw. I think heā€™s in his village meta.

Letā€™s lynch Ami, shall we?

I have that prepared for tomorrow unless you guys want to play into thisā€¦ play. I feel like we should do something cool.

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Also I lowkey wanna kill Arete and the King but weā€™re likely to miss the nightkill if we do that.

Also, as long as Squid is alive and sulit is the only healer (well, I hope sheā€™s a healer), Universal can never be healed. I doubt BD only has one healer though.

If itā€™s proven that Sulit isnā€™t a healer, Iā€™ll try to redirect someone else. I know Iā€™m not going to get jailed, so everything should be okay

Fuck, Marshalā€™s onto us!

cue intense Danganronpa music

Aaaand now Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™m going to derail the hell out of them.

Iā€™m honestly just screwing around here, youā€™re both free to do whatever.

Guidelines for my Cult:

  • Arete has to die. They are probably SFed by the King and they are a strong V voice. We need to kill strong V voices.
  • The next conversion (N3) should probably be on a stronger player. Maybe Possessed, maybe Marshal. A strong voice. We need a strong voice after I commit die.
  • We try to redirect Sulit to me tonight so I get healed, and then D3 I will activate the ability that kills me and makes me flip as something. Iā€™m going to flip myself as Observer after I figure out a believable result for my N2. Actually I could use Emiliaā€™s result, since sheā€™s Seeker now.
  • Magnus also obviously has to die because heā€™s outed Prince, but he likely has protectives on him. I kinda want to convert a support class so maybe we should get Sulit converted N3 and yeet both Arete and Magnus N4?
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Pls discuss.

Also, like I said, my plan is to generate as much weird spew as possible.

In denial about Derps right now because I lowkey want to spew him ā€œwolfā€ as I flip CL.

Lmao. I have to be doing a good job reducing spew if Possessed targets are all outside of groupscum. All.

He named six people and none of them are wolves. NK might be in there but weā€™re safe. Well, Iā€™m not safe, but thatā€™s honestly whatever. You guys should be able to slip under the radar for a while.

I posted my directions for you before, feel free to disregard them if you have better plans though.

Now I donā€™t know if I should redirect Sulit or Chloe. Chloe might be a safer bet because of her more open claim and Uni bleeding (So I guess the bleed on Uni was a smart move after all)

I honestly had no idea so many people would out today. I think since Chloe hardclaimed sheā€™s a safer bet?

Will probably be protected by Amiā€™s barrier though. :thinking:

Itā€™s not the end of the world if I die, because Iā€™m pretty sure I donā€™t spew either of you wolf.

I think we should start thinking about who to kill, because the likelihood of me getting occed tonight is close to 0.

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What is better? Killing a strong player tonight or killing two people successfully?

If itā€™s the latter, then @Emilia should use Expose at EoD, unless thereā€™s an openly declared Prince target for Magnus to jail.

If itā€™s the former, might be better to frame someone. Probably one of the PoE-ish slots such as Chloe, Amelia, Ami, Alexej, Darth, Wazza.

I think we want to kill some people just outside of PoE. Like Sulit, etc. I donā€™t think we need to know whoā€™s jailed? You can just frame someone in PoE who hasnā€™t been checked, maybe. @Emilia