FoL26: Cult Chat

You can puppet me

Make your own choices, fool.

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I think I’m yeeting Sulit and maybe Emilia Amelia?

maybe frame jgoes? in case uni decides to check him

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Good call.

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Guys, who’s the obvious healer soft?

It’s not obvious to me

Oh yeah, I can occupy someone with my day ability

@Vulgard @Emilia How do you feel about me occupying Sulit with Bewilder?

Well, I guess I’m not getting an answer. I’m not going to risk BD having two chances in one day


Oh good, I still have time. Does Bewilder affect someone at night?

Anyway, I need to sleep. W O O S H

Since suicide bypasses healing We could redirect healer to vulgard while vulgard used suicide this was vulgard will flip observer And there will be evidence of him being real town

Hi, wolves.

Lol at Wazza using Court Spies on two non-wolves.

But then we won’t be able to heal Vul in the first place. If Jgoes or Uni tries to investigate me, then I’d have to redirect them to someone else

Suicide only works if I don’t die, so we would have to move the healer guaranteed. And it won’t work if I’m jailed. Pretty sure Magnus is already jailing me because they noticed a wolfslip (which isn’t even real lol).

I’m starting to think you guys have no reason to do anything but let me die. Honestly I think you’re both pretty under the radar at this point, except I’m convinced they already caught you two disappearing from the thread. Might want to post some.

I left a ton of fake associations so I hope they parse through it and reach incorrect conclusions. Like that Derps/Vulgard w/w universe Possessed was building, I was trying to create a lot of that.

If I’m jailed, then there’s no point in moving the healer. If I’m not jailed, then even if you move the healer, I still can’t flip Observer because I can’t use two day abilities on the same day (I already bled Universal).

The earliest moment when I could do this is on night 3, and they are absolutely going to lynch me day 3 if I’m alive on that point. At least I think so. So… might be better to just yeet me out? I think I’ve done enough for a wolf who’s been wolfread all game. Antispew and fake spew and all.

The bad thing is that I can’t kill tonight, but maybe it’s good. Leaves the PoE more open.