FoL29 - Uninformed Spec Chat (Jane/Anstreim/Nappy Edition)

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Okay but seriously Leafia is a WTF

How is that TMI and what does Leafia gain from it?
She has literally no independent thoughts whatsoever and her pushes devolve into pure OMGUS as scum.

I see no TMI here, no siree, none.

dude sheā€™s been distancing vulgard and vulgards been distancing her

why am i preflipping smh

:newspaper_roll: :newspaper_roll: :newspaper_roll:
Bad Napoleon, bad.

But if you already went there, tell me what changes if Leafia ever flips town.

Leafia flips after Vulgard lol

If sheā€™s town thats okay

Also Iā€™m going to go take a shower so like ~10 minutes afk.
See you in a bit :eyes:

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But you just MLā€™d town smh.

lol who cares shes PoE

i kinda wish Alice was in here I want to hear her takes on this game but I dont think she has the time to analyze games sheā€™s not in

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This read is confirmation bias which is true.

I really wish she was around to be honest, rolling scum or just earnestly solving with her would be fun.

Let me see what I missed.

Oh Leafia still hasnā€™t explained the Vulgard/Kat read huh.

Yeah Vulgardā€™s not going to live.
He keeps making reads such as this:

I kinda think youā€™re a villager for it, but if you are, then youā€™re the one stuck in confirmation bias.

Someone kill this man.

lol hes scumreading katze

I almost wish I was in the game right now.


Oh yeah that last part.
Thatā€™sā€¦ Thatā€™s a thing.

Gortaā€™s still self-aware by the way, change my mind.

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