FoL29 - Uninformed Spec Chat (Jane/Anstreim/Nappy Edition)

Let’s see how this plays out

Bounty on PK is pretty convenient tbf

This is very unlikely though. He didn’t just “make up a fakeclaim” based on his posting.

It is pretty convenient but I’m unsure if he would go for something like that.

I feel like this came too late.

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By the way, neither Soul/Calc can be the Ritualist

That much is obvious.
Kat laid it out in the thread.

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Assuming we have a PKR/Vulgard starting scumteam

That’s the only thing that fits in here.

Top 4 IMO can’t be wolf.

If PKR is wolf, his “fake redcheck” was a reaction to Italy’s redcheck.


Amelia/Italy/Centuries/Appelsiini are all clear for me.

TBE looks a bit better?

Still think katze is town

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It’s gotta be TBE???

I mean why would he claim Noble though?

For TBE to be scum he would have to fake the bleed on D2.
Which, if he is a N1 convert, isn’t unrealistic at all – especially considering the fact that his bleed came just before Eradicate night.
Textbook healer distraction that was ruined by Amelia outing as the Prince and PK bleeding her.

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Didn’t consider his fakeclaim until the very last second and rolled with his original class?

There has to be a Ritualist though… doesn’t there?

I’m going along with the theory that Vulgard is Cult Leader

Arete is pretty much confirmed NK. Only they have a reason to kill Frostwolf imo

I’m confident that Arete’s flip is right so yes.
But it doesn’t line up with this theory:

Maybe he thought he could try to fake a ‘harder’/confirmable class for cred? Did you see that he claimed to bounty PK for some reason – that is nonsensical.

You’re right… if he was bled why the hell would he bounty PK?

Speaking of which, perhaps a reason he didn’t out his gossip earlier was because he was still making his fakeclaim?

PK bled Amelia*, TBE’s bleed presumably came from scum but it was the first bleed claimed.
Speaking of which, with two Hunter bleeds confirmed – how likely do you think it is that Cult would random bleed on D2, less than half into the day – on TBE no less? The more I think about that bleed the worse it looks.

Here’s his explanation, by the way:

bounty PK. he was a wagon easily left that bled the prince and was (reasonably) in PoE, but he’s resolved in other ways, that unfortunately leave me where I am and killed wazz