FoL29 - Uninformed Spec Chat (Jane/Anstreim/Nappy Edition)

Although you have to give it to him that his tone improved deeper into the game.
It kinda reminds me the same thing that happened with Chloe in WoW game.

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I won’t


maybe TBE isn’t the third cult

Let’s see how this plays out

Bounty on PK is pretty convenient tbf

This is very unlikely though. He didn’t just “make up a fakeclaim” based on his posting.

It is pretty convenient but I’m unsure if he would go for something like that.

I feel like this came too late.

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By the way, neither Soul/Calc can be the Ritualist

That much is obvious.
Kat laid it out in the thread.

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Assuming we have a PKR/Vulgard starting scumteam

That’s the only thing that fits in here.

Top 4 IMO can’t be wolf.

If PKR is wolf, his “fake redcheck” was a reaction to Italy’s redcheck.


Amelia/Italy/Centuries/Appelsiini are all clear for me.

TBE looks a bit better?

Still think katze is town

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It’s gotta be TBE???

I mean why would he claim Noble though?

For TBE to be scum he would have to fake the bleed on D2.
Which, if he is a N1 convert, isn’t unrealistic at all – especially considering the fact that his bleed came just before Eradicate night.
Textbook healer distraction that was ruined by Amelia outing as the Prince and PK bleeding her.

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Didn’t consider his fakeclaim until the very last second and rolled with his original class?

There has to be a Ritualist though… doesn’t there?

I’m going along with the theory that Vulgard is Cult Leader

Arete is pretty much confirmed NK. Only they have a reason to kill Frostwolf imo

I’m confident that Arete’s flip is right so yes.
But it doesn’t line up with this theory:

Maybe he thought he could try to fake a ‘harder’/confirmable class for cred? Did you see that he claimed to bounty PK for some reason – that is nonsensical.