FoL's Annual Mash - Signups (47/47) - Full

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Post Withdrawn By Author, Will Be Automatically Deleted In 24 Hour Unless Flagged FM when?

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i’m going on a 3-day campout 2 days after the game begins
that could be a problem

if you backup you have pretty high odds of playing with the list size + amount of backups


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you should probably backup

tbh i was a bit surprised we got 41 players and no schedrule conflicts


or just people like me who don’t care if they aren’t at eod


It corresponds to ITA windows too though here.

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is this an in :?


Right, it’s more that the schedule was already established, so there’s nothing to really say if it conflicts personally. I’m sure they picked out the time that best covers the majority of people from general past info. So there are probably people like me who just want to be part of this community event and are willing to deal with the schedule as best as they can. :slight_smile:

And even though I originally didn’t like the 36/12 phase thing, I can see now how this might also help with giving more people a chance to be available for the ITA window at least sometimes.

/backup i guess

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Oh wait there are ITA windows?

No that’s basically just anytime ITAs


I’ll join an ITA game when we rediscover why ITA windows are superior to anytime ITAs

And yes I do blame eevee for this

i mean i agree
ita windows allow the hosts a lot more freedom in the creation of shots abilities, and if they are scheduled properly are better for the players, since it’s a lot less overwhelming to deal with shots coming out of the ether ar any time

id say “wow both arete/chloe played in the zelda mash which had ITAs basically all day and it was kinda not great im surprised thats a thing here” but then i remembered theyre probably both doing nothing in terms of design smh