FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

I am at 6 one more to hammer. Just waiting for someone to argue for me to be pardoned,

i’ll /pardon because i’m mildly intrigued – also to see if others want to hammer this wagon off or flake.

So 5 - 1 for the exes.

Ici said this 7 days ago btw

Honestly, will more of quoting my comments help me meaning should I put the effort to do it?

  • Quote comments + explain
  • No use you dead bro

0 voters

@techwolves why are you exing one of your top town reads?

@Moleland what took you to on the fence to executing the fence?

@Frostwolf103 I posted a semi-defense does this change your stance and why or why not?

@CheesyKnives do you care what I have to say to defend or are you going to exe no matter what?

@Icibalus does any of this change your opinion?

If I die we might as well get some info before you exe let these folks answer my questions thanks

Exes 5 the people I named

Pardons 1 Whamm

It’s pro-neut to get as many people killed so that game ends earlier :man_shrugging:

Braxien your turn


If you aint scum bd is fucked

If you are pardoned, bd is fucked

7 exes, he ded

@wolfy flip me thanks

Execution Count

Voted Voters Count/Majority
Execute Cheesy, Icibalus, techwolves, Frostwolf, Moleland, MtheJoker, 7/7
Pardon Whammerist 1/7

Flip incoming

Can I flip myself?

At the end of the long day, the folk people decided that it was in their best interest to execute Sam. He laughed as he was being burnt on the stake, and began to scream and writhe in pain as the people waked away.

Sam was…

The Squire

He had left some logs in his room which was discovered by the royal guards.


If you are reading this I died. Ici you suck bro go host some games don’t play them. Your reads are terrible like you went 0 for 2. And thanks PKR for trying to help like always I will tell Fire not to kill you in the dead chat for the kindness.

Mole: pushed frost Lynch which did not happen. I think Mole is scum. Vote poisoned and me together along with frost.

Ici: just bad killed 2 town. Go host the games with some host slips

Frost : probs town wanted a defense out of me before exing

Whamm: Mole and Whamm scum team kindve. I feel that it is like fake reads just to create drama.

Cheesy: probs also scum

Scum list: Cheesy, Mole and Whamm!

Day 4 will begin on Tuesday, 15 May 2018 at 8:00pm BST (3pm CST). Sleep well~ :smiling_imp:

Official countdown

@Jazz, if you could please~