FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

I’m able to, yes

Whamm vote mole

So, are you saying that you weren’t attacked?

The first time anyone actually backreads a dead town in FoL and it’s Sam

So are you saying you’re a member of the cult?

I don’t understand your logic at all.

You’re clearly trying to flip my plan because your plot failed

…? Plot?

Joker said he bombed you and you were immune. Is he lying Y/N?

i don’t understand your plan
none of sams reads made any sense — and i really did look at them


Oh I get it now



I was the sole pardon on Sam and I don’t want mislynch credit
Nothing he said made any sense and I could easily see myself hammering him
Literally only reason I pardoned was shit was going way too fast
Clearly shit was going too fast for him too because none of his logs or reads made any sense
Qoute me and laugh at me later if I’m just wrong


I woulda pardoned

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I’m pretty sure you voted execute, unless you changed your mind? :thinking:

R u sure???

The flip isn’t even like 100 posts above this
It’s not hard to check

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R u really sure?

The mind games are real

Really Whamm?

Although you did Pardon afterwards :thinking: