FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

He’s gonna flip me.

No stop, do what Icibalus said.

It’s not a coinflip. Occam’s Razor: Whichever scenario requires the least assumptions is the most likely one

Nerbins is town:

  • Braixen is Scorned
  • Braixen used 200 IQ plays to predict that Nerbins would visit Moleland and claimed he Ice Warded them
  • Mthejoker is not a liar

Nerbins is scum:

  • Braixen is town
  • Mthejoker is a liar

It wasn’t yolo, I was going for a townie. WAS. Now I realise that helping town get rid of scum is smarter

He could still be scorned

Statistically, scenario 2 requires less assumptions and is thus more likely

I mean if you really hate me why not day vig me ici?

Looking at the graveyard, I’m not sure following Ici’s directions is a very good idea.

So my vote stays on execute

because there aren’t itas :sob:

You expect me to vote pardon, Nerbins?

Frost just vote exe m8, speed it up.

No, Mr. Frost, I expect you to execute.Image result for auric goldfinger



Ici has been pretty dumb this game… Getting 2 town exed, FORCE PARDONING SCUM


We’ll see.

what part of ‘please erase that from history’ don’t you get

Scorned aint scum they are neutral

Who needs to kill town to win…