FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

Sam keep doing ur thing

You are doing just fine


I am saying you never brought up vandalay by brought up everyone else who exes why??


Current Vote Count

Execute: Icibalus, MtheJoker, Sam, Braixen, Vandalay, Frost (6/8)
Pardon: tech, Insanity, Moleland (4/8)
Abstain: Everyone else alive

You have less than 2 hours before Posioned is of the stand and will be immune to voting until the next day.

I voted from Pardon to Exe.

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Just saw it. However, does not change the fact you have less than two hours

yeah no kidding.

Sam, since you only mentioned Vandalay and me - are you forgetting someone like possible convert or something in total of three scum?

While Braixen may seem town, he dropped it in my eyes when he goes accusing me like why wasting time on me.

Scratch that, since of the game pause, Posioned will be off the stand on the 8th at 8am BST. Ignore what I said.

Or are you not taking in consideration PoisonedSquid that may be scum?

You know heā€™s innocent?

@PoisonedSquid Well congratulations I guess.

Well arenā€™t you bringing up who voted Squid but didnā€™t participate in the exes and pardoning? I certainly did in the quotes from my posts so I am contributing thank you.

At least he also contribute unlike what you have told, Sam.

1 POST is contributing. 1 POST. This is not contributing.

:roll_eyes: The content doesnā€™t matter?

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Can we calm down guys?

I was watching a movie but that movie has turned into idiots just saying no u back and forth

@Icibalus Squid got off the trial by default and I think I got Whamā€™s softclaim so that leaves Moleland - however Moleland suspects MtheJoker more than me as I am secondary threat to him while some others see me as top scum.

Heā€™s not off trial

Just as a reminder

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MtheJoker, TechWolves and Moleland

Yeah okay, can weā€¦still vote?

I should read, itā€™s addicting.


Now I am going to take a nap!