FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

Where is MtheJoker on Tech?

Geez if hes alch i can easily prove if he bombs someone and i heal the person

You can


Mole havenā€™t contribute much in the gameā€¦

A weird vibe for him.

Explain this thought more please?

In past gameā€¦

Mole seems to be a lot more activeā€¦

:octopus: I mean, Iā€™m not sure about tech tbh

Well i can prove myself at any point

You literally cannot if youā€™re broadcasting your heals like that

Also, telling people they were attacked and healed is dumb discuss

Thing is that Mthejoker has no actual motivation to waste his bombs on proving you, especially since Cult/Unseen would kill you on the same night such a thing would be arranged anyway.

Itā€™d get a confirmed healer out of the way, after all.

Tbh the fact that Techā€™s so certain that he can be proven is actually making me think heā€™s town.
Plus, a quick look at his scum meta is actually changing my mind, he seems to not be acting in that whatsoever.

/vote Insanity

Iā€™ll leave my vote here while I look at Insanityā€™s ISO, but Iā€™m getting scum vibes here

Meh Iā€™m neut so I donā€™t really care who gets lynched asking it isnā€™t me
Iā€™m just following King here
/Vote insanity


Morning Votecount:

Frostwolf - Moleland (1/8)
techwolves - Frost, Braixen, Insanity (3/8)
Insanity - Sam, MtheJoker, Icibalus (4/8)

@Nerbins has replaced Vandalay

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/Vote Insanity

Looks like no one wants a Frost lynch again. Sadness

/vote insanity


I got wagoned, I guess.

I will claim this right here: I am Paladin.


Does anybody have a counterclaim?
