FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

I thought MtheJoker attacked Braixen right? But he didn’t die and Techwolves was on Insanity.

Either Insanity used that day ability on Braixen previous day that protects him from the attack, Joker lied or Braixen is Cult.

My current theory is that either Mthe lied or Braixen is scorned

Wait. Tech was on Insanity last night?


He was on ici


@Frostwolf103 why did you say Tech was on Insanity?

Is it possible with three non-killer neutrals right now?

That’s what he said?

@techwolves so you was on Insanity last night?

Wait my browser glitched I can’t see the message where Braxien got voted off trial, what happend?

Wait did ici decide pardon :man_facepalming:
Braixen is immune, either scorned, cult or bound

Or illu mind warp :thinking:

Maybe this game have Priest that is not claimed?

Oh a priest

Haven’t seen him

I see? Then there’s no reason why Braixen should have lived.

But is he cult? Not sure, no one healed him and if there’s no Priest then I doubt he is town either.

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You know what’s ironic? I used to vote MtheJoker and I got told that I am pushing Neutral.

Who’s laughing now?

Gj ici, now FK will bound to some1 else and kill me. Thanks :confused:

@Icibalus why decide pardon? He may not be cult but he is 100% bound or scorned

Kinda ur fault tbh

I wouldn’t of attacked you but now

Wolfy is maybe misinterpreting that Braixen can’t be revenant’s soulmate?

Am I just going to sit that Ici force pardoned one neutral that is bound? He is sure as hell not Court Wizard since no one have proved and confirmed his prevents.

Ici did mention that voting the revenant’s soulmate to death is allowing the cult to grow although he could have said that Braixen is indeed possible cult which the revenant have also protected Braixen.

So…yeah we could have executed Braixen which is two birds in one stone - however why are we voting nonconvertible healer?