FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

I actually going to ask @Icibalus

Is there reason why you force pardoned? There is possibility that Braixen couldn’t have been Scorned and is cult and got revenant bound that protected N3 and did not attack thus dealing in two birds in one stone and when Firekitten may have possibly changed temporary into new one, he is going back to Braixen eventually.

So why did you do that? I think we can all agree we’re running out of patience about you, Icibalus.

He just confirmed he was bound…
@Icibalus :man_facepalming:

Now he changed his bound and is gonna kill me. Thanks


Shouldn’t of done that

I would of never attacked a neutral. Why would I? But now you have basically tried to shoot a arrow at me and it missed.

And now I’ll shoot my arrow


Why would you betray a neutral anyway

What kinda monster of a neutral are you!

:frowning: :frowning:

Can’t even explain yourself :frowning:

Well Killers = bad for A neut. Maybe you would have attacked someone who was redirected to me

I can’t be redirected

Killers are bad for you. When I have full control of my killing abilites. I CANT BE REDIRECTED

Really? I thought only spiritalist

I’m dead

No one can affect me with there abilites

I mean swapped, like tornado

It wouldn’t affect me


:frowning: Well brax is still converted CW. SO we Should Lynch hin Tomorrow anyways

You still betrayed me :frowning:

@Wolfy can next game whispers be allowed? Since that is like real ToL

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If the court wizard is real then you can still make it backfire.

Right now, the prince can execute Braixen freely which it takes two days for revenant to finally die.

We can finally focus on the cult but first…

What do you think of Icibalus?