FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

Okay so MtheJoker attacked another Neutral which is NAI to indicate he’s not helping scum win while Scorned at other hand do assist scum by removing one vote while alchemist claim can aside from TechWolves help in healing possible Eradicate attack whether be the cult or non-cult, so that also means PKR is either scum or is hiding behind neutral claim as BD. But Neutral is not possible.

Unless MtheJoker used his first Eradicate as Cult Leader on Braixen (which that explains no cult died), I have no reason to believe he’s cult I think.

But that’s possibility to say the least.


I feel comfortable voting Nerbins here
I can’t articulate it but something about their tone when refusing to claim seems weird.

/vote Nerbins

Did I just see a new copypasta?

Current Votecount:

Voted Voters Count/Majority
MtheJoker techwolves, Braixen, PokemonKidRyan 3/7
Nerbins Moleland, MtheJoker, Braixen, Icibalus 5/7

9 Hours and 20 minutes remain of day folks.

I haven’t copied and pasted from what I posted.

Now, I think Nerbins need to contribute to ongoing discussions.

/Vote Nerbins

Current Votecount:

Voted Voters Count/Majority
MtheJoker techwolves, Braixen, PokemonKidRyan 3/7
Nerbins Moleland, MtheJoker, Braixen, Icibalus, Frostwolf 6/7

@CheesyKnives Hey you slacker!

wakes up from nap

What’s going on guys?

Ima just stop talking cause I feel like I am annoying everyone

Oh hi


Hi :upside_down_face:

After all this time on the forums i still don’t kneo what NAI means…

NAI = Not Allignment Indicative

It means that something dosen’t affect someone being town or scum


So for example:

“Ici’s posting shit tinfoils that aren’t right”
“He does that as both town and scum, that’s NAI!”


Ah okay thanks

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I can’t resist the urge to talk

Why did you change your picture

After this I’m done for now

Because I didnt like my old one :man_shrugging:

My list of scum/non town helping neuts:

  • Braixen
  • PKR
  • Nerb
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