FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

Van did jack shit that was useful.
Now I’m gonna get killed or converted. Hope you guys are happy.

Logs anyway please

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You really need to get good at reading, no wonder you think i’m immune.

Yo im a cheesy sapien

Vote Nerbins if you don’t want a Nolynch

/:b:oat Nerbins

@Nerbins is now on trial.

You may now post a defence. If you do not post one within reasonable time, I will allow the others to make a vote since it is close to the end of the day.

Think? I bombed you…

I will give @Nerbins until 5:15pm to make a defence. If he fails to do so, then everyone else will then be able to vote without the him making one, but only whe I announce it.


Since Nerbins has not provided a defence, you may now vote for the accused.



I see no reason not to do this.

It’s not 5:15. It’s 12.32.
You should have specified a time zone.

Sorry. But end of day is at 20:30 my side and 15:30 your side. I have put countdowns at start and end of days

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N1: Vandalay guarded Rogue
N2: Vandalay guarded Mole
N3: He replaced out during this time, and I was brought in. Forgot to do an action. Sorry.

uhh sorry but I ice warded mole n2


If this is knight then braix is 100% scum. If this is scum Brax is 99.9% scum


Aaand 3000th post :upside_down_face: