FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

10/10 plan

thereā€™s no such thing as something that makes a flip false lmao
also why can nobody on this site fake AtE properly

then be neut
donā€™t be scum lol

Well technically Iā€™m scum :wink: :wink: :wink:

the moral of the story is to never claim Neut


Whammer, deal with this tonight.

We have much better things to use our lynch for rn
Whammer, who are your top 666 scumreads and what is your exact bank and credit card number added together into one big number?

I already won so why waste a night on me?

because youā€™re sitll in the game and are a kingmaker vote lmao
Have you learnt NOTHING about how neuts who have a gaurenteed win work?

I just think that you guys should get cl instead of me before he gets the 4th convert off

And you are screwed

W e a r e !

Thatā€™s why youā€™re being executed by Whammer tonight, and weā€™ll lynch Cult instead!

In terms of scumreadsā€¦

/vote PokemonKidRyan

Tbh I donā€™t trust that neut claim one bit

hey ici on an unrelated notes thoughts on how bad marl is at hypoclaiming compared to how great I am~~

fuck i literally havent played this game like
at all lol

Mostly because it reminds me of SFoL13 where Scum!PKR claimed that heā€™s often scummy at first as town in a way to justify his future scummy behaviour.

The neut claim appears to be part of the same strain of thought.

hopefully that makes sense.

Look, we know 2 town is confirmed: Insanity and whamm (inconvertible bd) then we have me and you, Iā€™m confirmed since why tf would I random accuse some1 AND THEN openly claim scorned, you are probably good King or super good evil King. So we have 4 out of 12 people alive confirmed

There is 3 cult + bound target

That leaves 4 out of 8 people is evil. If we lynch the scummiest today (PKR) itā€™s 3 out of 7. We should use that to let prince exe most scummiest person

we have no reason to keep you alive we arenā€™t idiots

If you exe me tonight itā€™s 4 out of 7

Then scum has majority

Memesky couldā€™ve been Cult, may I remind you? in factā€¦ you seem certain that he was!

that came out wrong.